Chapter Fourteen: Time to Make It Official...

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Chapter Fourteen|Michelle's crib|9:30am|Justin's POV |

I woke up with a slender body in my arms. I looked down and saw the most beautiful figure in the who entire universe.

A smile made it's automatic way to my face. She's such an angel, I mean just look at her.

Her gorgeous full pink soft lips, her long black eyelashes, her high cheek bones, her perfect shaped nose, and her beautiful silky-long hair.

She's just so. . . Irresistible :)

She moved around a little in my arms as if she sensed my gaze on her. She fluttered her eyes open rubbing the sleep off her eyes.

Damn, she's still so gorgeous with her messy hair. And. . . It's pretty sexy if you ask me ;)

"Don't look at me! I'm so ugly, ewww!" She whined as she covered her face with her hands and turned around.

"Awwe, babe. Don't hide your beautiful self from me." I gently took her hands off her face. "You're gorgeous, honey. But you just can't see it."

She blushed a little and smiled, "You're so corny did you know that?" She giggled.

"I kind of knew that. . . But now that you told me then I'm positive."

"You're such a weirdo, babe." She smiled getting ready to leave the bed.

Awwe she just called me babe. . . How cute.

"Where are you going?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows as I held her back by the waist.

"To the bathroom, Jay." She smiled.

I fake pouted. "But bae! I want you to stay with me. Just for a wittle bwit."

She stayed silent for a while.

"Alright, but just for a little bit 'cause we're gonna go pick up my mom and Kenny from the airport." She said. Oh my god her mom's coming home today?

"Momma C's coming home today?" I asked as we laid back down on the bed cuddling.

"Momma C?" She asked propping her head on my chest.

"Yeah,you're mom." I giggled.

"Oh haha, yeah she's coming home today." She looked up at me. "You're finally gonna meet the parents." She winked.

I chuckled, "I'm ready for that."

She giggled. We talked and maybe kissed a little... Okay we made out but it was just for a while. To be specific twenty minutes ;) groping and all that was involved.

One hour later we had eaten breakfast, gotten ready, and made some chores. Yup, I the Justin Bieber actually did chores. Crazy stuff, huh?

"Michelle? Babe, we're gonna be late." I called out from the bottom of the srairs.

"I'm coming!" She said as she walked down the stairs.

"Babe, You look beautiful, but damn you take so long."

"Sorry it's just. . . I don't know."

"It's okay." I smiled. "But are you ready to go pick up momma C?"

"Yup." She replied popping the P. I smiled and took the keys of my white Ferrari.

We walked out to my car and I opened the passenger door for Michelle.

I jogged to the other side of the car and once I was in I turned on the ignition and drove out the drive way.

As I drove out the gate Michelle bent over so she can turn on the radio giving me a good look at her clevage. I glanced at her and licked my lips. Usually I hate when people mess with my baby, but this time it's my angel so it's okay.

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Oct 07, 2013 ⏰

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