Chapter Thirteen: I Need You More Than Ever

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Chapter Thirteen: I Need You More Than Ever

The next morning I woke up spooned in someones arms. I felt so safe and comfortable that I didn't want to move at all. But of course, everything seems to not be in my side and my bladder couldn't hold it any longer.

I gently rolled off his arms struggling a bit since he didn't want to let me go. I ended up falling on the ground with a loud thump. I stayed on the floor as I heard the bed creek hoping Justin didn't wake.

I finally got up off the ground and made my way to the bathroom. I did my business, washed my face and brushed my teeth and pulled my hair into a high pony.

I went back in the room to see Justin still passed out on my bed. I made my way down the stairs leaving him to rest. When I got down the stairs the boys and girls were already up.

"Hey guys." I smiled approaching them in the living room.

"Hey!" - "Hi!" - "Finally you wake up!"- " What up bae!" - "Wazzup!" - "Yoo!" I looked over the bunch on the couch trying to hear them all at once since they clearly just shouted at me all at once.

"Shut up! Justin's sleeping!" I said as I took a seat next to Chaz.

"Oo, does somebody have a lil crush on my lil homeboy?" Chaz teased wiggling his eyebrows.

I scoffed, "Yeah right!" I said as I thought of something to change the conversation. "So what do you guys want to do today?" I asked looking anywhere but them.

"Ummm, can we have a little pool hang out? The suns out so maybe we can just hang in the backyard." Jen suggested.

"Yeah. Unless you want to go out and let everyone see who Justin's been hiding with." Chaz backed Jen up.

"It's also cheaper. Yes, I know you're a semi-billionaire but c'mon, money is money." Christian said.

"Yeah, you don't have to spend any money. We can just cook something here with what you have and it'll be set." Jenny backed up.

Hmmm, that could work.

"We also can feel more secure. I mean, we won't be having paparazzi all over our business if we just stay here." Nadia said making a huge point.

That's what I don't want. To have paparazzi bugging me all day long. And it can also get worst since Justin's been having a lot of problems with the media.

"That's true. It will be more fun anyways." Ryan shrugged. They all had a point and I couldn't do anything about it.

"Okay then. It's set." I smiled. "But have you guys ate breakfast yet?"

Damn I'm starving!

"No.." they all chorused.

"Do you want me to make something for you guys? Imma make something for me anyway." I shrugged standing up from the couch.

"Sure. If you don't mind."

"I don't or else I wouldn't have asked." I giggled walking into the kitchen leaving them in the living room. I took out all the ingredients needed to do the pancakes and took out a pan.

Why is it that when Justin's not with me I feel so utterly naked. Like a part of me is missing?

Whenever I'm with him I feel so comfortable yet he still manages to give me butterflies even without trying. It better not be what I'm thinking it is!

Am I- am I catching feelings? For Justin? Justin Bieber!

Oh god!

I. Michelle Carter have fallen for thee Justin Bieber's charm. And now all I can do is catch feelings, because I'm pretty sure Justin is still with Selena.

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