✧・゚:* 1 *:・゚✧

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Additional warning: light gore.



You woke up harshly, sweat covering your whole body making you feel gross.

This is my room.

You noticed that nothing had changed, was it all a dream?

No, it felt way too real.

And before you could even inspect your surroundings, the lights dimmed. As if something just had swallowed the sun, leaving you in complete darkness. The lack of light may have bothered you at first, you thought your eyes were deceiving you and felt your remaining senses become more sharp. Paying more attention, you began to distinguish a burbling sound. As if there was a water source nearby dripping wet while forming a puddle somewhere in your room.

Suddenly a floating screen appeared, abruptly emanating a blinding light and forcing you to shut your eyes close. You squinted and blinked a few times trying to accustom to the brightness. The darkness that once engulfed and embraced your figure seemed to let go of you, and before approaching the light source you decided to scan your surroundings. This wasn't your room anymore, just emptiness.

As you tried to advance in the overwhelmingly dark space, you felt your limbs slowly going numb for a reason unknown to you. You stopped hearing the dripping sound and halted your movements, paying more attention hoping for your hearing to catch the watery sound again.

Millions of questions started forming in your head: What is happening? Where does that sound come from? How did you end up here? But before your mind became overwhelmed with your thoughts you settled your objective.

I need to reach that screen.

Your arms became limp and were basically dead weight, useless. Your whole body felt heavy and screamed for you to take a moment and rest. And although you wished to do so and satisfy your body's desperate pleas, something inside you said:

That's a bad idea, keep moving forward.

You were dragging your feet and barely advancing towards the light due to the lack of energy in the inside of your body. And just when you were about to give up and rest for a little while a sudden cascading sound startled you. The room began getting filled with a liquid substance that soon came in contact with your bare feet. It felt a little gooey, this substance's density was similar to corn syrup. Soon enough, the liquid's height rose, reaching your calves. And irrational fear suddenly invaded you, your senses pleaded for you to hurry up.


Something unexpected just happened.

You felt wrinkly hands tugging your legs under the liquid.

You were extremely frightened indeed and all of your senses were on alert. You could feel your endocrine system working at full speed, pumping adrenaline through your whole body. That "fight or flight" sense shrieked flight.

Despite your body being hard to work with at the moment and the opposing force of the tugging hands, you began advancing towards the light.
The liquid level grew by the second and soon enough it reached your waist. The floating display was extremely near, and the insistence from the hand augmented. As if they had grown in number, the resistance became stronger. You could feel them roam through all your lower body, tugging, grabbing, tearing the soft cloth that covered anatomy and even groping you occasionally. This hands were trying everything for you to stay in said room with them, they yearned for your company.

And when the liquid was just reaching your clavicles, you reached screen.
The light grew stronger and covered the whole room, revealing what was going on in the darkness.
The viscose fluid was revealed to be blood, but still you couldn't see the misterioursly creepy hands.
As if the heaven's listened to your pleas, the blood was drained revealing dozens of rotting forelimbs. They were flaky, some looked as if they had been mummified while others were basically skeletons. Soon enough they dried due to the lack of liquid and prematurely turned into dust.

Blocking the traumatic experience that just happened, you turned your attention towards the screen you determinately decided to reach.

Welcome! Please enter your name:

「 (Y/N) (L/N) 」

Hello (Y/N)! What will your stand's name be?

「 Plastic Love 」

That's a great name! Please choose five characteristics of the following list for you to acquire.

「 Overwhelming charisma 」

「 Beauty 」

「 Flexibility 」

「 Strenght 」

「 Knowledge in weaponry 」

Great choices! Now choose three that you previously had to enhance.

「 Intelligence 」

「 Good aim 」

「 Pain resistance 」

Thank you for your cooperation, please review all of your answers to make sure everything is fit for your preference. Once you are done please write "I agree" in order to proceed to the final step.

「 I agree 」

Process finished! You were given the following alibi:
You are a 16-year-old Hispanic student that traveled to Italy when their parent's died. Since you couldn't support yourself and attend to school, you drop out and got a part-time job at Olive Garden as a waitress.
You have a small apartment (or studio) in a sketchy neighborhood in Naples.
Thank you for choosing our services, and we hope that you return in a nearby future.



Laying in the floor sure isn't comfortable.

You quickly rose up and inspected your surroundings.

There was a small bed and a desk adjacent to it. Your backpack was on the floor, heaping with all the chemistry books you carried at the moment you died. There was also a Nintendo Switch charging along with your phone.
The view was a little... Unsettling to say the least. Watching the conditions of the apartment and comparing it to your clothes, your phone and your backpack was giving you anxiety. As if they were water and oil, they did not mix well.

Soon enough you decided to take a stroll and explore the neighborhood, you quickly eyed your phone before leaving the building.

September 3, 2000

It seems that you've truly been transported to another universe. At the moment, you do not wish to question everything anymore, just accept it and move on. Your life wasn't perfect and, as the god of death said, it was boring. You know how dangerous this universe is but hell, you've already died once if you're gonna die again at least you should have some fun with your favourite husbandos.



Wattpad is being a bitch today...

Sorry for the short chapter, I hope you enjoyed.

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