Thatch joins team Pineapple Head

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(Whitebeard Ship – Z, X, Percy's room)

Zorak: Cute!

Percy: Don't call me cute!

Percy thought struggling to make his power change him back.

Percy: I can't control this!

Xian: Calm down and try again. You just need to figure out how to control this side of your power to make it work.

Percy growled and tried to delve within himself and change back.

Xian: Maybe we shouldn't have started working on transforming, what if they come get us. It'll soon be lunch time.

Percy whimpered once more coming up empty handed. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't change back.

Xian: Percy what are you thinking of when you change?

Percy glanced over at the two dragons, who had changed into four feet dragons.

Percy: I imagine what I want to become.

Xian: Maybe you should imagine your body shifting until it's what you want to become.

Percy: Think about my body shifting? Not just about the end goal. Alright it's worth a shot.

Percy sat still imagining how he looked now, and the shift required to become what he wanted to be. Fur changing to skin, paws to feet and arms. Opening his eyes, he glanced down to see human hands. "Yes! I'm back!"

X and Z shifted back to their human forms. "To bad you were pretty cute, kitty." Zorak comments.

"What did you say?!" Percy exclaims, eyes narrowing.

"Couldn't hear me, little kitty?" Zorak asks with a smirk.

"I'll butcher you!" Percy chased Z around the room finally pinning him on the bed. "Winner!"

"That's what you think." So suddenly Percy felt the world shifting as X grabbed him.

"St-stop Cheat-ers!" Percy says in-between laughing.

"Tickle attack!" Zorak yells, following that up with an evil laugh.

"No!" In the end after Percy nearly died from laughter the three curled up together on the bed.

"It's good you were able to change back." Zorak comments.

"Yeah, I think I'll be safe shifting, but I definitely need some work. Maybe a couple days and I'll have the basics of the ability down." Percy muttered tiredly.

"You should attempt to change the size of the creature you change into. You were only a kitten, maybe try for bigger." Xian points out.

Percy stretches. "Maybe, I'll try to figure it out."

"Good, in the meantime lets rest, at least until they come get us for lunch." Xian says with a sigh at the thought of being around the pirates.

"Do you think Pom-pom will win the challenge?" Zorak asks.

"Not unless Percy gives him a hint. I doubt Percy will though." Xian answers.

"True." Zorak agrees.

"No hints for weird brain killing Pom-pom!" Percy says in all seriousness. Laughter echoed in the room before the three drifted off to a light sleep.

(Whitebeard Ship – Mess Hall)

"Alright I'm ready! Pineapple Head go fetch my challenger!" Thatch yells, using the oh so great nickname 'Pineapple Head' to refer to his friend-prank target.

"Not you to, for the last time its Marco!" Marco shouts, looking ready to murder Thatch.

Thatch just grins. "Sure, it is Pineapple head."

"That's it! Call me that one more time and I'll burn your hair!" Marco yelled, resorting to threats.

Thatch gulped touching his hair. His face turning pale with fright. "You wouldn't!"

Marco let the blue flames coat his arms. "I would, just try me." Thatch gulped again, backing off as he looks at Marco like one would a monster.

Marco turned walking out of the room leaving a scared Thatch. Marco chuckled on his way down. Sooner or later Thatch would remember that Marco's flames don't burn what they touch. Until then he'd be free from being called Pineapple Head.

"Oh, it's Pineapple Head." Waves said when Marco opened the door. Marco forced his anger down so much for freedom and said,

"Marco, but anyway Thatch is waiting for you three."

Waves jumped off the bed followed by the other two who had been sitting on either side of Waves. Marco began walking not in the mood to visit Doctor Bay for burns. Marco glanced back worriedly when some crew members walked past the boys. They were about seven feet off but oddly the flames never burned them they only sparked slightly. Marco cast glances at Shadow wondering why he let them pass in the ten-foot zone.

Xian held Percy's hand as they walked Z walking slightly behind. Percy had beforehand warned Z to stop burning every single person in sight. Zorak had muttered but agreed as long as it wasn't someone who seemed strong like a commander. Zor's eyes trailed one of the passing crew members sending up sparks when he entered the five-foot zone. The man hurried along casting glances at the boys.

Xian rolled his eyes as the man left before focusing on any on-comers. While Zorak could keep them away with his flames he was still on guard. This was an enemy ship.

Percy: Cool it you two, your dark thoughts are creeping me out.

Xian glanced at Z and down at Percy.

Xian: Oops

Percy snickered and quickly went back to a serious face when Pineapple Head glanced back. The three shared a glance when he turned back around.

Percy: I don't think biting a pirate's head off is very friendly Z.

Zorak: Whatever Sea.

Percy held in the chuckle this time since they could see the Mess Hall. Marco felt relief pooling in him. Simply the fact they made it to the Mess Hall without anyone being burned was a miracle. Well okay about three people dared to get to close to the boys and suffered some burns but compared to this morning's tour that was nothing.

Author: I know it's short, only reaching 1,000 words, but I've been busy lately and don't have much time for writing. Hope you enjoy the short chapter!

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