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Skeppu Pov

"What, did you really think I wasn't going to join? uwu?" GoodBoyDemon says, and I already want to punch a wall. "No, Demon, you're right. I should've expected this." I reply, and he's already trying to destroy the server. Luckily for me, I turned off his build permits. "What? Why isn't this working? uwu?!" Demon says frantically, and I can tell by the tone of his voice he's panicking, probably thinks he's crashed the server. 

"Well, Demon," I start, triumphantly, "I took away your build permits so you can no longer build on this map!" I finished, causing Demon to throw a fit. "WHAT? You can't do that! That's not fair! owo!" Despite Demon's efforts to try to get me to digress, they all go to no avail. "Listen here bald boy Sclapu, you better give me the permits back or you won't be able to know about my next actions! owo!" At first, I thought it was just more threats, but as he finished his sentence, his famous "I'm gonna poop on your lawn", mischievous voice kicked in.

"What is THAT supposed to mean?" I ask, unsure on how to react. "Well, you're in for a treat! uwu!" Demon exclaims, and once he left, I knew, I was not in for a treat. Although Demon was still in the voice channel, I had no clues on his whereabouts, and my heart was pacing. For all I know, my server could be on the line right now and I wouldn't even know about it! No, that's impossible. I took away his build and edit permits, what could he possibly do? 

Despite my self comforts, I go onto my kitpvp server to see what he could possibly be up to. Immediately, my heart drops as soon as I see all the people getting banned. Looking at the chat, all my players were dropping like flies. "DEMON! Unban my players at once!" I was getting angrier by the second. Imagine all the people my team and I will have to unban after this! "Calm your cupcakes, Skeppu, it's only a few bans! Sure, I unban them later, but let me have my fun first! uwu!" 

And just like that, there was lava surrounding the place. "Thanks for the the build perms, Callachan! uwu!" Demon said, giggling to himself. Great. How was I going to fix my server now?

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