Chapter 22

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A few days later and I have everythying planned. Good job everything is sorted because the big day is tomorrow. All the brides maids are at mine, Haley just thinks they're having a girls night in and I'm just at Calum's having poker night.and I am currently losing. Ugh. I always lose how can this happen?!

Luke "Right guys, it's 10:30, I'm gonna get to bed, big day tomorrow"

Calum, Michael & Ashton "Night guys"

I got into the spare bedroom and saw Jay fast asleep, I stood in front of my suit and stared. I stood there staring at my suit just imagining what tomorrow will be like. The most special day of our lives. I just hope tomorrow is perfect.

~Haley's POV~

it's 9.30am and I've finally awoken. I had such a good night sleep last night, but I woke up feeling like crap and weak, UGH! I just want to stay in bed all day and watch The Vampire Diaries.

*Knock* My best friend Chloe walked in and said "Come on get up!"

Me "Why? I don't feel good!"

Chloe "It's your wedding day!!!!!!"

Me "Excuse me? Luke & I haven't even spoken about it!" 

Chloe "I'm so good at keeping secrets!! Last night was your hens night and the past few weeks Luke and the boys have been going through your dream wedding book and picked out what they like and done it all, so today is your big day!" Chloe tried pulling the duvet off me whiile saying "Now get up! the car will be here in two hours!"

I felt so confused to what is going on! Chloe revealed my dress and it was beautiful. Squined but not to sequined, big but not too big, it's got a poof but not so straight just right..

Sorry this is short. I'm currently watching The Vampire Diaries. Please like, comment and share

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