Chapter 21

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A week later and Luke has not spoken about the Wedding... Literally nothing and it's starting to annoy me! I'm starting to debate whether he actually wants to get married. I don't even know whether I'm beating this or not, what if comes to being too late? I want to walk down the isle, I don't want to get married in a hospital bed ugh.. Luke has some making up to do.

~Luke's POV~

I should really tell Haley that I've already planned it. I'm staying out the night before and the next morning I am to pick up the dress and my plan is to leave it on the sofa in the lounge and then get Jay to wake her up and the car will be on the doorstep by 12. She is going to love it.

Ashton "Right Luke, what needs to be done?"

Me "No idea, dress sorted, just waiting to be picked up, church sorted, venue, guest list sorted, honeymoon sorted, music sorted, DJ sorted, Live band sorted, food sorted, caterers sorted, decoractions sorted, hired people to put the decos up, bridesmaids sorted"

Calum "Sounds like everything is sorted!"

Ashton "But what it you get the dress and drop it off at yours and Haley is awake, it's bad luck!"

Me "Hmm... I will let one of the bridesmaids know, so they can keep Haley away from the door"

Michael "Transport!"

Me "What about it?"

Michael "You haven't booked the transport!"

Me "Shit!"

Shit. How could I forget the transport. Hmmm, by looking at Haley's massive book, I might try and hire Haley a horse and carriage for the pick up and a traditional car for going to the venue. Hmmm...

Do You Remember Me? Luke HemmingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora