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I was five when I met the hardheaded Avatar Korra. I wasn't really a people person, and I spent most of my time studying and trying to become the greatest warrior, which was the complete opposite of Korra.

Korra wasn't what many pictured when they thought of the avatar. She was fierce, independent, and pugnacious (very eager and quick to argue or fight). She didn't take crap from anyone, including my father and her teachers.

But underneath her tough exterior, she has a strong loyalty toward her family and friends. Not to mention that when it comes to her duties as avatar, she doesn't take it lightly. She knows when to joke and when to take thing serious and because of this I respect her greatly.

Though many don't see this, I was one of those who didn't think Korra had what it took to be the avatar, but as always... she proved me wrong.

My father was the chief of the southern water tribe and so it was his duty to help the avatar, that and he was good friends with her father, Tonraq.

Because my father was the chief, I had a lot to live up to. Being his first born child, I had a lot of responsibility. Not to mention I am his only child, at the time, and because of this I will most likely take his spot.

My father has always been a well respected man and he always did what was best for his people, even if he thought it could endanger his life. There has been times were I thought it would be the last time I would ever see him again.

Though my father was suppose to be a serious leader, he always made time to lay back and relax. He would sometimes make jokes and brag about his achievements. He was still serious and always made sure to keep his head on the here and now, but he made sure he didn't lose himself in his work. My father always had a plan for everything and he never did anything unless he had made sure it was the right thing to do.

Though sometimes I do wonder why he would want me to become friends with the Avatar, seeing as me and her are complete opposites.

"Come now Akari its time to visit Tonraq and his family." My father said as we walked through the snow.

"Why must I come again?" I asked with a frown.

I kept my jacket tightly against me and had my face down so the snow wouldn't hit me. I never was a fan of snow, let alone anything cold.

Most people would look at me and think I loved living in the south, but I don't... I really don't. I never was a water fan or even ice fan, not to mention I hate the snow... which I get to see everyday.

"Because his daughter needs friends. As we both know she isn't allowed to leave." He said softly.

I let out a groan and followed close behind him.

It was no secret that Korra wasn't allowed to leave the southern water tribe and it wasn't a secret that no kids wanted to be her friend. Being honest I didn't understand it, but then I met her and I knew the real reason everyone stayed away from her.

"Koda, it's good to see you again." Tonraq said as he shook his hand.

"Good to see you as well my friend. So where is that lovely wife of yours?" My father asked with a chuckle.

"Watch it." Tonraq said as he glared at him.

My father let out a laugh as Tonraq gently hit his shoulder. I soon saw Senna walk to the door way and I sent her a small smile.

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