That we may fall in love, every time we open up our eyes

Start from the beginning

Kirishima laughed and rolled onto his back, side by side with Katsuki. "You're right."

He turned away, just long enough to hang his hand off the edge of the bed and ran his fingers through Riot's fur. When he turned back, Katsuki was sitting up and staring at him. "Katsuki?" He was sitting up now, too. "Katsuki?"

He watched as Katsuki dug around in the pockets of hit suit pants, sighed, rubbed the back of his neck. "I've never known how to do this. Really, I've had grand ideas planned out, but we've never been grand now have we? I know this is sorta... I dunno man, fucking lame? But seeing you happy, that happy, god it did something to me, and maybe I'm not thinking straight but fuck Kirishima, I want to be with you. I know that. I've always known that. I love your fucking stupid smile and that shitty hair of yours and just... you. So I guess what I'm asking is..." he paused, pulled his hand out of his pocket and presented Kirishima with the silver ring inside.

Kirishima froze. Everything. The rise and fall of his chest. His heart. His eyes stayed open, drying out. His jaw slightly ajar. His thoughts tripped over his brain, crashed into one another, and he was trying to say yes, but the sound came out choked and all he could muster was a nod.

And Katsuki was tackling him, grabbing his face between his hands, connecting their lips like he was desperate and Kirishima was crying, tasting the tears as they landed on his lips Katsuki's hands were on his body, exploring the area of his back, knocking the wind out of Kirishima's lungs with each new touch.

Their suits were stripped, tossed somewhere in the room, and it was moments like those when Kirishima felt exposed. Embarrassed and would go to cover himself with his hands or a sheet or the nearest pillow. Katsuki would grab his hands, look Kirishima dead in the eye and say things he would never say otherwise. Telling Kirishima there's nothing to hide, to let him take in the sight of him, and it always baffled him, the way Katsuki could say things like that. The way he found the courage to mouth his thoughts so easily.

Katsuki lowered him back carefully, rest his against one of the feather pillows, and worked his way down his neck his chest the open expanse of his stomach, down each thigh and up again like he was looking for places he hadn't ever explored. Places kissing, leaving deep bruises, whispering things Kirishima couldn't quite understand no matter how hard he tried, and then Katsuki's head

d i p p e d between his legs, and instantly his hands flew to his shoulders, holding them, sinking his nails into the skin and leaving marks he would later apologize for. He couldn't catch his breath, couldn't open his lungs to open up wide enough to take in the air he needed. He was light headed, eyes roaming the ceiling when Katsuki appeared over him, flushed red and hair sticking to the sweat on his forehead.

He was kissing him again, like Kirishima was oxygen and he was dying to breathe. His hands roamed, pulled him closer.

A hand was between his legs, working, and he bit the inside of his cheek so hard he was sure he could taste blood. And then Katsuki was gone for a fraction of a second, parting Kirishima's legs farther with something that most certainly wasn't his hand before hovering over Kirishima against. Their chest's一their hearts一so close as a gasp escapes his lips, his arms flying to wrap around Katsuki's neck.

Planets were exploding behind his eyes while stars were dancing above his head and raining down on him,

The next kiss was the kind of kiss that inspired planets to form high in the skies and intrigue everyone. The kind that felt like years and seconds all at once. Nothing would ever compare to that moment. Nothing could ever dream of it. Nothing else mattered but that moment, Katsuki's lips on the entirety of Kirishima's face, his arms keeping him close, their skin pressed so close.

Kirishima held onto Katsuki, dying and somehow being brought back to life over and over again within the same second, the same breath.

Nothing would ever compare.




Kirishima was still asleep. The sun was trying to poke it's head over the horizon.

Katsuki had been up for three hours, watching the steady rise and fall of Kirishima's chest, the way his eyes danced beneath his sleeping lids, the jolts he did when dreaming. His hair was scattered about the pillow, wild strands of red spreading out. His features were relaxed, soft, at peace, and Katsuki felt himself become baffled at his reality:

He was with Kirishima again. They were secure. Nothing to tear them apart again. Nothing to keep them apart. Luck, or fate perhaps, had been on their side since the beginning. Katsuki wasn't the type to believe in fate, but it was the only thing that made sense to him. Fate was responsible for them.


When he stood up for the first time that morning and stretched his arms above his head, scanning the room covered in their different articles of clothing, he saw a piece of paper by the leg of a chair. Neatly folded into impossibly small squares, he began to slowly unfold it. Square after square until there was a something the size of a small notebook in his hand. No words dotted the page. No, instead there were actual dots. Braille.

A loud thump from his heart when he realized what it was.

The note he had written for Kirishima before he had to leave. Ten years ago. He kept it after all that time.

He glanced at Kirishima's sleeping body, pressed the paper close to his chest, and let a single tears streak down his face.

After all that time...

Word Count: 2377

March 22, 2021

 i know its been a while since i last updated this. i suck lol. a lot has happened since i put the last chapter up, but most notably is that i had my second knee surgery (one on each knee basically) and have been recovering. ive also been spending a lot of time writing for the haikyuu fandom. tbh, i dont see myself writing any new fics for MHA because some parts of the fandom bother to my core. 

i am stilling writing, though. i plan on publishing all my haikyuu works on Ao3 (same username) so if you're interested in kuroken, bokuaka, and sakuatsu, maybe stalk my Ao3? I already have the first 4 chapters of my kuroken fic published there, tilted Even Stars Die. the first two are here on wattpad as well, but i think imma focus on Ao3.

i'll do my best to finish this, but it may be slow. im sorry for that. thanks for reading<3


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