Betrayed By The Fox

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Chapter 7


You just noticed, that you never did get anymore phone calls, weird… You might have to face Mike and ask him about it.


Walking to the too familiar building you slunked in and searched for Mike. Once you found him you approached him after trying several times to talk to him, only to have kids talk to him, you grabbed him and pulled him to the parts and serive room.


“(F/N)?” He asked surprised


“Let me go!” He groaned trying to pull away from your death grip.


“Not until you tell me why I haven’t gotten any more phone calls from the “Phone Guy”.” You stated.


“He, um, he quit” Mike seemed lost for words again


“He was killed wasn’t he” You asked glaring at him


“Y-yes… last night actually” Mike said. But that didn’t make any sense, you didn't a call on night 2 or 3, did foxy hang up to phone on him?


“Wait… but I only got a call once!” You cried


“Then I don’t know what to tell you” He said and started to walk out.


“Oh, and (F/N) I’m sorry I didn’t tell you they were all killers.” He stated turning towards you.


“Not all of them are killers.” You growled at him and walk out past him, leaving him confused.


You walked over to the Cove and waited for no one to look, quickly you jumped behind the curtine and breathed out. Did freddy and them really kill the “Phone Guy” Is that why they haven’t been bothering me and Foxy, or is this foxy’s plan all along? You couldnt think stright, to many thign where going on and it was drving you to insanity.


Speaking of insanity, is the Cove darker than last time or are you lossing your head here?


“Foxy?” You called out, yeah it was that dark you could hardly see Foxy’s stool.


You got no reply, there was how ever the sound of a gear, clicking slowly


Click… Click… Click… Click… Click… Click…


LIke a heartbeat from the darkness really.


Clank, Clank.


You heard a new sound twice, then it went again 2 more times like someone takeing a step, someone robotic.


A Metal hook swiped out at you almost getting your arm. You yelled out in surprised.

“Arggahhaha” A low, slow menacing laugh rang out softly as two white orbs peer out in the darkness of the Cove.


“F-Foxy, what are you doing” You called out backing up.


“Doing what me be made to do, I’m sorry Lassie, but surely ye *will die* knew this was coming!” His voice rang out as you heared him step closer to you. (LOL I LIED ABOUT MAKING FOXYS VOICE GLITCH MWAHHA)


“Foxy, please don’t do this” YOU cried out taking two steps back for every step you heard from him.


“It be more than 2 days Lassie, and I still be broken” His eye shifted to a gold color as he took 5 step towards you, wait he wasnt near you he was circling you, you could tell as his eyes went around and around you.


“Th-then give me more time please Foxy, this isn’t funny” You said hopeing he was pulling another prank.




“And I’m done playin ye game” He whispered stepping towards you, his eyes white once again.


“Foxy… come on, I-I…” You didn’t know what to say


“I-I what I *Will kill you for this Lassie* This I that, ye lie to much, makes you an unworthy first Mate” He growled taking large steps towards you.


You backed up as your breathing quickened and tears pricked your eyes. This was it, FOxy was mad at you, and he wasn’t going to change his mind. Looks like your going to die before night 5 rolls around (I lost count of the nights o-o) You had to do something… With Quick thinking you ran out and pass him, earning a gash from his hook, you jumped off the stage and right to Mike.

“Mike help me please” You said quickly before falling into his arms from fainting (WHAT IS THIS IS MIKE X READER MOMENT XD not rlly)

Note- Very short sorry, did this while waiting for the bell to ring at school I will update very soon :3 Luv you all 

You must all be confused... good so am I XD 

Also the video I put in there, the images are backwards becuase I dun goofed up and Im to lazy to fix it. But you should know what I mean ;-;

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