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there was a white boy with brown curly hair meeting going. the only missing person was timothee. 

"well hello guys.", harry styles greeted.

"anyone wants some quacksons (croissants)?", tom holland asked the boys.

"sure.", finn wolfhard took a croissant.

"do you know why were here?", harry asked the boys.

"is it because of timothee?", joshua bassett said.

"yes, joshua. timothee is missing.", harry announced.

"how are we going to find him?", jack dylan grazer asked.

"well, when was the last time that timothee was seen?", harry asked.

"i really don't use social media a lot, so i don't know.", joshua said.

"maybe it's on twitter or on tiktok...", harry said.

half on them went on twitter as the other half went on tiktok.

"uhhh....", joshua showed them his phone. timothee has been seen with lovely peaches. 

"oh no. this can't be...", jack said.

"is that...lovely peaches?", tom asked.

"yes, why yes it is.", finn said.

"he's probably getting squished by her right now.", harry said.

"we better save him...NOW", tom said, grabbing his spiderman suit.

"yeah, lemme grab my guitar real quick.", harry said.


"what the fuck did i ever do to you?", timothee asked james Charles.

"you're going to be featured on my youtube video. it's to entertain my 13 year old fangirls.", james told him as he gave him a smile.

"get me out of here.", timothee said.

"fine. but it's just for this video.", james said, releasing him.

timothee ran as fast as he can, as james charles started chasing him, "HEY COME BACK, SISTER!!!!"

he wanted to be left alone for once. ever since he met peaches, things weren't going good for him. "peaches...", timothee said.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2020 ⏰

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timothee chalamet x lovely peachesWhere stories live. Discover now