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timothee didn't know what was going on in peaches' head, but all he knows is that he's not a tiktok boy. sure, everyone makes tiktoks but not him.

a while ago people were thinking that his account was his kid cudi fan account, but rumors were shut down. that wasn't his account.

he ignored peaches, and put back his sunglasses, trying not to get noticed by the crazy girl that peaches already was. after timothee didn't respond to her, peaches walked back to the hotel.

again with their faces, peaches didn't care because she was so bad. except for someone, who stanned peaches as well as she recorded her walking her way back. they posted the video on twitter and waited for the video to blow up. 

on instagram, people were being supportive of her saying stuff like, "OMG QUEEN" or "YOU'RE SO CONFIDENT!!!" and also, "CAN'T WAIT TO MEET YOU IN NEW YORK"

meanwhile, timothee was finishing up his food and once he finished, he looked up the girls name on twitter. "lovely peaches...", he said to himself.

he found out that peaches was actually famous and also a stan twitter meme. he had a look of confusion, "how is she famous?"

timothee chalamet x lovely peachesWhere stories live. Discover now