11th Doctor x Reader

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This one-shot is the 11th Doctor meeting the reader at the beginning of a cyber-man attack on the earth. His charm and a knowing glint in his eyes win the reader over with little resistance.


 Tuesday morning, stupid early, 4:30 am. You opened the gas station, thou were not a morning person, and you have yet to find a good reason to become one.

All doors are open and believe it or not 4:30 am was not bustling with business, there was the few minor things; truck drivers, night shift workers, coffee for openers, and the insomniacs. You know the standards.

Sitting behind the register, slouching and sipping the strongest coffee a gas station can produce, in this case, it's not nearly strong enough; more cups are sure to follow.

About to nod off into on-the-clock slumber, the chime of the door opening slaps the 'z's you were chasing, and pushes you back to 'A'.

You softly grunt "Ah" in surprise attempting to create the illusion of alertness.

A Lanky man with a sunny disposition strode confidently to you. You notice his red bow tie as he aggressively slaps his hand on the counter, effectively surprising you; your alertness no longer a facade. 

" Do you happen to sell Jammy-dodgers?" The way he speaks sounds like he's either on a timer, or his 14th cup of coffee. How can someone be this awake right now?

"Uh, yeah, just over there," You point in the direction of said treat.

He comes marching back with the whole box of Jammy-dodgers. Pulling out the needed money and a singular Jammy, moving to slap the money and box of Jammys on the counter. 

Casually leaning his back on the bar; eating the Jammy-dodger he states:

"The name's 'The Doctor', what's yours?"

"Uhh, my name is (Y/N), what kind of doctor are you."

" No time for silly questions (Y/N), it's not safe here. Cyber-men, very dangerous," He states almost at the speed of light.

"Cyber-men? What the heck is that?" 

"Men that are robots, no emotions, very strong soldiers. They are here. I can- and will save the earth. I could use some help though, want to help me?" He fervently askes; smiling.

This guy. They warn you about strangers, rightfully so, but this man. The Doctor; there is a look in his eye that makes you think that he knows what he's talking about. That you should help him.

While thinking your mouth goes agape, He's smiling, knowingly as you question, " What is it about you, why do I feel the urge to throw all caution to the wind and help you?"

He is beaming now

That smile suits him.

"Cause I'm The Doctor a, charming, scary, and dare I say handsome mad man in a police box."

"Police box?" 

"Well its actually a space and time machine, T.A.R.D.I.S, that's an acronym. Want to see, I'd love to show you."

A mad man indeed, but that look in his eyes. I have to follow him, I could be brutally murdered, but right at this very moment that: 1. doesn't seem possible, this man is a literal child; he couldn't focus long enough to kill someone. 2. Even if I do get murdered at least it will be more interesting than sitting behind a register of a gas station at 5 am.

He is intently staring at you, watching the gears turn in your brain, as you plow through the pros and cons of following him to this T.A.R.D.I.S thing.

Fuck it.

"I guess so, yeah. Lead the way," You said gesturing to the door he waltzed through.

His eyes lit up, "Fantastic! Geronimo!"

Leading the way similar to a 4-year-old in a toy store, Your vision locked on to the T.A.R.D.I.S, it feels almost alive. Pushing open the door, allowing you to walk in ahead of him, he mouths along with you almost mockingly as you say with astonishment, "It's bigger on the inside."

" I know, great right. Now, let us get started on saving the world shall we!"


The end~ 

How did you like it, give me some suggestions if you have any. 

I hope you liked it!

With sincerity 


11th and 12th doctor x reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now