Chapter Seven~ "Welcome home, Vi."

Start from the beginning

“I’M NOT VI!” I screamed, still walking backwards. He grabbed my shoulders and held me at arm’s length.

“Anna get away from him, he’s a-” Tristan’s dad tried to warn me.

“Fairy.” Leo finished for him. At first I imaged him as tinker bell, wearing tights and flying around sprinkling fairy dust everywhere, I had to force down a laugh. But then I remembered they were just stereotypes.

My eyes widened. I’d read the real myths and legends on Fairies. They were vicious. They lived off giving people pain. They were deadly. They came, they hunted, they killed and then they went. According to the myths Fairies were incredibly powerful and dangerous.  And that meant that everyone in Myllic was a fairy too. But Myllic hadn’t seemed dangerous at all? Something felt off…

Looking into his eyes, I didn’t want to believe it. He couldn’t be a fairy. It just wasn’t... right…

“And you, Anna, are Vi Lyprith.” He said. Who the hell was this Vi!? It was really starting to piss me off.

“No… it can’t be possible…” Tristan’s dad whispered from the corner. I turned to him and he looked at me like I was some sort of mutant monster. Oh great, now even Tristan’s dad hates me. Just another person onto my list of enemies, it was growing by the second.

“I don’t who this Vi is, but I’m not her.” I replied. He shook his head.

“Vi Lyprith is Eliyn Lyprith’s daughter. Eliyn is the queen of the Myllic kingdom,” He explained.

My mouth hung open, so the Eliyn I’d seen before was the queen of the place I’d been to…?

And …and I was her daughter. I stared at Leo, waiting for him to continue. He was answering all of my questions. I needed him to carry on, no matter how lost for words I am.

“And Eliyn had a fling with a human 17 years ago. After she gave birth she gave the baby to a human family and promised herself she’d never see it again.

“But the Myllic kingdom needed an heir to the throne, and despite the queen being an amazing person she couldn’t find a man to suit her needs. She grew cold and icy with the pressure hanging on her shoulders. With the Myllic kingdom falling into havoc, the people of the Trys kingdom, a smaller kingdom ruled by Myllic, declared war after Eliyn wouldn’t give them independence.

“The Trys kingdom has very powerful Fairies, and after they attacked Myllic they left devastation-”

“But I didn’t see any devastation; actually it looked like wonderland to me…” I said. I didn’t know what he was telling me but I doubted it was the truth. The place I’d been to, Myllic, was beautiful. He was obviously lying.

“You saw the palace, Trys wouldn’t attack the palace, and there are too many guards and security, even with all their powers.

“The war has being going on for 3 years and no one has found a way to end it.

“The fortune teller of Trys foretold that only the offspring of Eliyn will have to power to make this war end. But Vi is the only offspring, so both kingdoms suddenly went on a rampage to find Vi.

“And the Trys kingdom found her first.” He ended his little explanation and stared me in the eye. He was from Trys. I shivered, this wasn’t right.

“You’re crazy.” I muttered and pulled away from his grip. Something about what he was telling me didn’t seem to click. It didn’t fit, it wasn’t right. I wanted to know why he was really here…

I wanted to know who I really was. I wanted to know where I belonged. I wanted to know the truth, not a biased load of crap.

“V-Anna, you need to believe me!” He pleaded. But I refused to listen. I’d already had a hard childhood, I’d managed to find happiness but now he expected me to believe I was some sort of fairy princess that had to stop a war. Ha. No way.

“I don’t need to believe you; actually, I need not to believe you. I’m not going to believe I’m a stupid fairy and my mom’s the stupid queen of some stupid wonderland and that there’s some stupid war I need to stop.” I snapped, walking over to the door.

“Fine, don’t believe me. Watch what happens,” He snarled. Tristan suddenly floated up in the air and he grabbed his throat as if someone was strangling him. Leo seemed to find pleasure in hurting him, well obviously, he was a fairy. The way he had lifted him up without actually touching him didn’t surprise me. It just made me think if he could do that, what could I do?

Tristan’s dad pleaded at Leo to stop but all that did was make Leo raise him further and lift his dad into mid-air too.

“Stop.” I ushered the words with such power and order it scared me. Leo suddenly snapped out of it and they both went falling towards the ground.  “Leave them alone, get out of this house and never come back.” My commanding voice almost made me want to follow my own orders. I definitely was not saying this; well the words were coming from my mouth but… I hadn’t actually thought about saying them. It was like instinct.

Leo couldn’t disobey; it was something in my voice. Trying desperately to stay, his feet made their way to the door.

“Vi!” He pleaded, with a menacing look on his face.

“Good bye.” I snapped and my words pushed him out the door.

My eyes widened. What had I just done? If that didn’t prove I was a fairy, what did?

“Anna…” Tristan stood up, ready to comfort me.

I bit my lip and tried to force the tears back but I couldn’t.

As I let out a cry of complete shock and anger, I pushed Tristan out the way and ran back towards my house.

But that wasn’t home.

Myllic was, whether I liked it or not.

All the answers had been given to me, but I hated them so I’d refused to listen. But what if I could stop this war? What if Myllic was really where I belonged?

Running into the forest I had little worry about the wolves, or even the fact that my mother, who actually wasn’t my mother, would completely screw at me.  “MOM! ELIYN! MIRANDA!” I screamed, waiting for the portal to open.  “I’M COMING HOME!” screaming until my throat hurt, I was impatient for someone to pull me into a portal. I screamed for a few more minutes but after nothing happened I cursed at the wind. Why was it not working?!

Maybe I had to try another way…

Let me come home. I’m coming home. I’m here to stop this war. Let me in, Miranda. I am Vi.

The words went from my mind and I felt them being sucked upwards.

Suddenly a portal opened and I walked into it without thinking twice. I needed to go home.

It led straight into the palace, well not the palace... It was a balcony on the side of the palace. Eliyn, my real mom, was leaning over the side, watching the war rage on. I joined her at the edge and gasped at the view.

Fires were raging through most streets, fairies fighting; throwing rocks, fire, water, and the wind was terrible. You could imagine what it would look like without the war, a lovely little kingdom, harmony. It made the whole thing even more sinister.

But the hatred and complete anger sweeping away the streets of Myllic was heart breaking. I dread to think about the lives lost, the pain of families and the broken dreams of those who didn’t last to see the end of this war.

“Welcome home, Vi.” 

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