As the music faded out Joel joined the charecters on stage and opened the final. "Welcome to 'The Masked Singer' the final. We were able to witness a special opening performance of our dear Charecters. Not all of them are still able to winn but four still can. We have the graceful Dragonfly, our charming Lion, the Dragon that is a mystery to all of us and glorious Peacock. These four are going to try and win the final tonight. There will be three rounds, so three different songs. But after every round one of the Charecters will be demasked. Vote for your favourite. But four people we'd like to hear their favourites from, our beloved judges." 

Joel walked over to us quickly. "First we have Jonathan Ross!" the audience cheered. "Who are you rooting for?" Joel then asked him "WEll I am personaly a fan of the Dragonfly, she is outstanding." "That is a nice one. Next we have Rita Ora, Who do you think should win Rita?" "I love all of them but I have to say that I fell in love with the voice of the Lion." "Intesting! Davina McCall what do you have to say about that?" "All of them are deserving of their spot but I have to say that I'm rooting for the Peacock." "So and finally we are moving on to Harry Styles. Who would you like to see winning?" I geve a smile and answered with a strong voice. "I've been a fan of the Dragon since show one." "There you have it but now we have to move on to our fist round. It is everybody against everyone elso. So lets get started!"


Round 1


Hints (Dragonfly)

"I am so thankfull for standing here. I love getting voted such amazing artists, I would have never guessed for myself. This journy has made me a more confident person and it hopefull shows people that I do not just sit, look pretty and ask stupit questions. I'm a force to be reckond with. Please vote for me because I want to shown you everything i got."

Song: Kamille - More Than Words

This has to be a joke! I mean how can she be so good? She nailed it. Her vocal, her stage pressence, the music and lights, the coreography, everything was on point. It was so perfect that it was already scary. But then It came to the hard part, the guessing. Her only clue was that she can do more than ask questions and look pretty so I am pretty sure that Perrie Edwards would be the right choice.

Hints (Lion)

"This is unbeliveable. Who would have thaught that I would be in the final? This is such a honor to be here. I saw many things so far but performing on stage is still pretty new to me. I am used to present myself as whatever was written out for me but I've never played a lion. I hope to get a lot of votes tonoght so I can take a win home."

Song: Harry Styles - You and I

This is not fair! He sang it better than me, especialy the high note at the end. I have to say I am jealous. How can he not be a professional? Or at least have a record deal? That was the best version of my song I've ever heard. I feel like I shouldn't even sing that song again because comared to him I'd look pathatic! He is clearly an actor, I mean he said he playd roles in his VT, so I went with my popular vote, Zayn Malik.

Hints (Dragon)

"I can't even process that I survived so many weeks and am now standing in the final. I thaught I'd be out in the first few shows but apperntly I was wrong. I have to thank everyone that voted and supported me this far. I am happy to finally showcase my voice becaus it normally only gets heard by my teammates when we sing the national anthem. If they woudn't have told me to participate I wouldn't stand here. Thank you!"

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