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All the people of our world,
Are caught in a cycle of birth and death.
We receive many answers for birth,
About death is no single word.

This show the feel of you my mother,
I don't know which witch ordered you rather.

Please understand we all came to do our best,
Not to die soon without trying the highest,
Because of your scary attitude,
Do you know your gift altitude?

You make all the face gloom,
Even the new flowers recently bloom,
You make the twilight star's shine,
To fade which was already fine.

You take away the blessings as your power,
Which build a teary salt ocean for the fallen tower,
You make us cheat on our beloved ones,
So they feel us as scorching sun.

I want you to cry aloud,
Yet in epics it's said your act is allowed,
Oh mother, you are sick!
That can't ever be cured too soon.

Because of you they light the wick,
As you aren't a frisky boon.


This was written on a gloomy day where I faced the sudden death of my senior. A sweet ambitious soul with great talent.

Frustration anger and pain took me with these words to greet the mother of death.

I couldn't face the tears of parents, friends, teachers and all. I still miss that soul who was very close to me.
Stay in peace!

With immense love,

With immense love,Yaris🔆

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