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The unwelcomed early rays,
Of sun hit in to light the place,
Perfectly blank mind woke,
For the sake of self.

With brush and paste that poke,
On my miasmic dark hollow,
Then letting the waters kiss my face,
I went to a shower that followed,
Gulping some drink,
Grabbing bread and plate to stink!

Got set to run my way,
To the regular spot,
Meeting my fellow space,
Dullsville but should start.

At times in compulsion,
At times in confusion,
Many times in nothingness,
But never in cheerfulness.

The regular what abouts,
Files, promotion and selfless bows,
Hard to stay entangled,
To this part of the chapter,
This is a perfect struggle,
For others, I seem to be an achiever!

So I decided to quit it,
And let the ardors get lit,
Playing brisk and complete,
Giving it a good sweep,
Finding my soul on heights,
A handful of happy contents.

Feeling the secret of life,
Standing in less wealthy side,
It never blighted,
Also found my purpose sorted.

Then again my body felt burnt,
Just to know what,
My routine dreams meant,
And me going against that,
It's not my first,
Neither would be my last.


Hello, my people!

This work states the sarcasm behind the dreams and our routine which makes us feel as if our real goals are routine sleep-dreams. Many among us live in the dreams and try least to live the dream. That gets you nowhere in fulfilment. Life is all about the curve that set everything straight. That's our smile. A sign of contentment and soulfulness.

Don't just retire without giving it a try. That is my idea for writing this. Vote, share and comment on your perceptions. All are welcomed. Happy reading.

With love,

With love,Yaris🔆

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