5 - death

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jisung decided that today was the day he was going to tell hea how he felt. his song was prepared for her and everything. the boy could barely contain his excitement as he rushed into the library.

the brunette stopped in his tracks. hea wasn't there, only a letter with his name scribbled on the front. hesitantly, he opened it and began to read.

dear jisung,
i'm sorry to disappoint that i wasn't here today. unfortunately, i've met my demise. i'm tired jisung, and not the tired you can sleep off. you have made my life a little less miserable than what it was. now don't be sad, don't mourn me. i will always be with you, okay? i am happier now, i truly am. this is what i wanted, i'm not tired anymore. we'll meet again someday, but for now, know that i'm reading my books peacefully. i'll never be tired again. i love you, jisung.


the boys heart dropped when he heard the scream.
"help! a dead body!"
all the students a panicked, standing up and rushing out of the library. jisung however, stood silently.

his life felt like it was going in slow motion. he felt himself being pushed out the door, but all he could focus on was the tall man carrying hea's limp, pale body out from behind the shelves.

the thing is, it was the most peaceful he had ever seen her.

she wasn't tired anymore.

tired | han jisungDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora