| Chapter 20 |

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•your pov•

Kyle puts his car in park.
"I can't believe that just happened." He beamed.
"Well look who's the softie now?" I grab his arm. "How cute."
"Shut up!" He laughs. "I'm just really happy that we all got to talk." His cheeks flush with pink.
"It's nice." I squeeze his arm. We both turn our heads as Stan parks his car directly behind Kyle's.
"Alright let's go softie." I say in a baby voice.
"Please don't repeat that in front of the guys." He whispers. I laugh.
"So you're a tough guy?" I snicker.
"Yeah. Duh." We both share a laugh and step out the car. The boys walk over to us.
"Last time we were all here was freshmen year." Kenny inhales.
"I know. That's crazy." Stan walks off towards the pond. He stops at the dock.
"We go here way too much." I whisper to Kyle.
He let's out a small chuckle and we all follow Stan.
"We should go swimming." Eric laughs.
"No way." I look down at my reflection in the water.
"What are you a pussy?" Eric taunts.
"Yeah. The water's freezing." I crouch down to dip my fingers in the water.
"How do you know?" I look up at Eric. He was clearly teasing me.
"I just touched it dumbass." I stand back up and shake my fingers dry.
"Yeah but you barley touched it." He crosses his arms. I shake my head. Suddenly he uncrosses his arms and wraps his arms around my waist and lifts me up. For a second I'm upside down.
"Eric put me down!" I yell as I kick my legs. I'm then flung into the air and tossed in the pond. The cold water tenses my body as I sink. I hear laughter coming from above. I quickly swim up and gasp for air. I whip my eyes and find Eric standing over me almost dying of laughter.
"You asshole." I say in between laughter.
"Is it cold?" He bends over.
"Very." I grab his sleeve and try my best to pull him in. Eventually he looses his balance and falls in- almost crushing me. I laugh.
"Nice." Kenny chuckles. Eric resurfaces and groans.
"I should've seen that coming." He shakes his head.
"You guys should come in." I say as I tread water.
"Maybe take off your clothes." Eric sighs looking down at his clothes.
The other boys strip down leaving only their underwear.
Eric and I try taking off our wet clothes and then throwing them up on the dock. Both of us leaving our shirts on.
The boys jump in.
"God damn it's cold." Stan shivers.
"Pussy." I splash him with water. He shields himself from the water as he shrieks.
"I hate you." He laughs.
Eventually we all start playing around as if we were kids again.
We played a few rounds of 'chicken fight' before we all got tired.
Our ultimate champion was Stan.
After a few more rounds of several children's pool games, we all got tired and decided to go home.
Kyle stands on the deck, and stretched his arm out to help lift me out of the water. Our hands grip each others as he lifts me up. I come up soaked.
"Are my clothes dry?" I ask as I bent over and grabbed my pants. "They aren't." I sigh in disappointment.
"Hey guys." We look at the end of the dock and Kenny was waving his arms.
"Yeah?" Kyle says. We watch as he walks over to us.
"We're going to Stan's house. He wants to throw a big sleepover. Like old times." Kenny smiles.
"Sure. But I have to go home and change." I look down. "Also, shower."
Stan walks up behind Kenny.
"Well if you guys want we should all just go home and meet back at my place later." He looks down at his phone. "It's barley 4."
I nod.
"Alright what time?" I ask.
"Maybe 8?" Stan shrugs.
"Sounds good." Kyle nods. We all walk off and go to our cars.


I step out the shower. Kyle steps out after me.
"Where's my towel?" I look around.
"Oh right here." He passes me a towel and I wrap my body.
"Or maybe you could leave it off?" He wraps himself.
"You're annoying." I roll my eyes sarcastically.
"Just a suggestion." He shrugs.
I reach for my brush.
"I never realized how much shit you have here." He slips the brush out of my hands. He grabs a section of my hair and starts brushing.
"It's almost like I live here." I laugh. I look into the mirror and watch as he gently strokes my hair with the brush, with a smile on his face.
"Maybe you should live here." He continues brushing, not looking up.
"It would be nice to have our own place." He sets the brush down on the counter, then he grabs my arm to spin me around. "You. Me. Maybe an animal?" He pecks my lips.
"We're barley 17." His hands grip my hips as he raises me to the counter.
"I know. I was just thinking about our future." His hair droops on his face, water droplets falling from his curls.
"Don't you think that talk should wait?" I grab both of his hands.
"It was just a thought." He looks down. "I'm just excited for our future together."
"Me too." I squeeze his hands. "One day we could be doing this in our own house." He looks up.
"Doing what?" Our hands go apart.
"This." I place my hand on the back of his neck and pull his head down towards mine. I kiss him.
He kisses me back and wraps his arms around my waist. Our bodies come closer together and his lips form a small smile. My legs wrap around him. Our kiss ends after a while, and I chuckle.
"You are getting soft on me." I stick my tongue out.
"Yeah yeah." He pulls away from me. "Let's get ready." Kyle starts to dress himself.
He soon finishes and opens the bathroom door.
"Are you coming?"
"Um, just give me a second." I look down at my phone. Kyle shrugs and shuts the door behind him as he leaves to his room.
I pull out my phone, and go to my messages.
I scroll to find my old group chat. "Girls Night"
Usually we would stay up and text all night. Our last conversation was about all joining cheerleading, or at least try outs.
I never had a falling out with the girls but ever since homecoming I felt as if they didn't trust me anymore. I didn't even try to reach out to them, which was wrong on my part. I owed them an apology. Reuniting with the boys means there was hope to reach out to my other friends.
I start texting.
Me: "Can we talk?"
For a few minutes there was no response.
Nicole: "We can hop on a call."
Red: "I'm down."
I hit the group call button and wait for an answer.
"Hey." Nicole's voice spoke. I pressed my phone closer to my ear. Hearing her voice, felt different. I hadn't heard it in a long time. Too long.
"Hey guys." I sigh. "I've been meaning to talk to you guys."
"It's been 2 years (y/n)." Red blurts. Even hearing her sarcasm was music to my ears.
"I know. Can I explain myself? No excuses. I promise." I wait for their responses.
"Go ahead." Nicole sighs.
I continued to tell them about everything that happen after homecoming and the aftermath.
"Then, when I talked to the boys again I figured I should reach out to you guys. I wish I would've done this earlier." My voice breaks.
"(Y/n) it's fine." Red says quietly.
"There's a lot of making up to do." Nicole clears her throat. "We should all hang out soon."
"Yeah totally." I smile.
"I'm throwing a party on Saturday." Red says. "You're invited to come. You and all your boyfriends." I could almost hear her eye roll through the phone.
"How is your boyfriend by the way?" Nicole asks.
"He's good. We're good." I look down at my ring. "I just wish I would've told you guys."
"It must've been killing you. You know- not telling your girls?" Red snickers.
"You know me too well." I laugh weakly.
"I'm just upset that you couldn't trust us." Nicole breathes deeply.
"I did trust you guys. I do trust you guys. Maybe I just didn't know how to tell you guys. You know?" I explain.
"You two are cute together though." Red says.
"Thanks." I chuckle softly. "How are you guys?"

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