The Other Side of the Coin

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Look! Look outside the window,

A whole new world out there

If only we could get out of our prison,

We could be at a better place somewhere!

We peek out of our windows

Like the bars of a cage,

A sinking, hopeless feeling consuming us

Or a pyre lighting us to a rage!

Trapped inside our own abode,

We just long to get out

Ignoring the chance given to us

To explore a different way about

This is the ideal time to explore yourself

To dig deep for hidden talents and skills,

And come out as a new version of you

Complete with new aspects and thrills.

Go on a roller-coaster ride with yourself,

Sniffing out every bit of buried gold.

And by the end of the ride,

You ought to be transformed, with only memories of old.

And while you are finding yourself,

The nature outside is preparing its surprise!

But when you go out and about,

Remember not to spoil this hard-earned prize.

What exactly is the prize?

It's the environment, the habits and the healthy lifestyle,

Which we have reaped by our perpetual hard work,

Of remaining within our stiles.

So just take enough precautions, and don't panic,

We all are getting out of this alive!

That's just the glimmer of hope we need

In this quarantine to survive

We will go out into a better world,

More healthy and alive than we left it

Enjoying the gentle and warm sunshine

I'm sure that you too would've felt it!

These are just temporary hardships,

Just a short span of dark times we are going through,

But remember that after every night, there is daylight,

This philosophy is quite true, generally used though.

Just focus on the positive thoughts,

For your thoughts are powerful.

They have potential to make you stronger than ever,

So, you will never be as vulnerable, and always feel wonderful!

Give attention to self-empowerment,

In the far future, it may rain,

But if you focus on tomorrow,

Your answers will change!

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2020 ⏰

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