Buckys Arrival

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Tony 'Anthony' Howard Stark, the only child to the one and only Howard Stark.

A child born with no purpose to life, as he grew he was known as a man whore, alcoholic, rich kid with no proper discipline. But through all the rumors everyone knew one thing to be true, Tony Stark was a genius.

But behind every genius is very few people who truly understand them, no one understood Tony until the day James 'Bucky" Barnes was found and promptly thrown to the man of iron. This day, dear friends, was a day of anger, secrets, and bloodshed.

++++++Flash Back++++++

"What do you mean Steve?" A call echoed throughout the conference room of S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters.

"Tony please he needs somewhere to stay!" Another voice, Steve, begged. "Please Tony...." The man, Steve, trailed off as the shorter man seemed to start vibrating in what seems to either be suppressed laughter or severe anger. Brown met blue, the usually warm brown eyes now chilled ready to attack. The man that now stood in front of Steve Rogers was not the normal sarcastic Tony Stark, The man that stood before him had the stance of a soldier who was trapped and ready to fight to get out alive. His emotions cut off and face set in a mask of stone.

"Steven Grant Rogers, I am not a man you would want to make an enemy of. The only way that man is stepping foot upon my property is if I can see and do my own diagnostics test. Otherwise get out of my sight, my building, my property." The animalistic snarl that followed the simple statement cause the symbol of America to take a step back unconsciously.

"Do it." A quiet voice sounded from behind the pair. "You have my consent to do whatever test you deem worthy...." The silence that followed was suffocating, to pairs of eyes watched the nameless man. One in disbelief, the other in concealed interest.

"Bucky.... you don't have to-" the sentence being cut off by a glare from the man deemed 'Bucky'. "Yes, I do Steve. Mr.Stark has every right to question my mental state and to see if I have alternative motives. I would expect nothing less of a Soldier." His voice still quiet, holding respect toward the brown eyed man.

Tony Stark examined the quiet man that stood mere feet away before nodding sharply, taking a few steps toward the taller man. Handing him a card, "Show up at 9 am sharp tomorrow. Everything will be ready. Follow J.A.V.I.S directions to my lab." His voice holding no emotion as he walked away, a smirk on his handsome face. A predator after his prey.

=-=-+Next Day 8:48am=-=-+

James 'Bucky' Barnes entered the heavily guarded building. Though normal civilians wouldn't notice that the receptionist had Glock 19 on a leg holster under her long skirt slightly impeding the way she walked or that multiple 'employees' held Kershaw Cryo knives concealed within their clothing. Taking in every person he could see that was armed, he was sure, to the teeth, he walked up to one of the multiple receptionists. The women's name tag said Veronica, she smiled toward him her eyes betraying the suspicion that she felt toward the winter soldier. Handing her the card, keeping his eyes on the desk. "Mr.Barnes," Her voice icy and emotionless to the man. "Go to the first elevator on the right. Slid this card in the spot underneath the buttons, you will then be direct by J.A.R.V.I.S to Mr. Stark's lab. Do not stray, if you do you will be dealt with accordingly." Her eyes glinting dangerously indicating her threat was something she hoped happened.

Walking calmly to the first elevator on the right he slid the card into the instructed spot. The doors slid open soundlessly with a ding accompanying it. The doors close behind him, a button was already lit. "Mr.Barnes." a disembodied voice stated. Nodding Bucky waited confused ever so slightly. "Hello, Mr.Barnes I am J.A.R.V.I.S, an A.I. or artificial intelligence created by Mr.Stark. I am to guide you to Mr.Stark's lab. I must inform you that if you happen to stray from the indicated path I present you on purpose, I am ordered to shoot. No questions asked."

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