Chapter 7

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I packed all my stuff into the bag. I also tidy the bed because it looked so mess. Suddenly, someone poked my shoulder from behind.

"Wei Yin!"

"Morning, Shao Fei. Are you ready?"

"Ready for what?" I asked and tried to remember if anything I forgot.

"We're going to shop baby cloths and stuff. Let's go, now!" Wei Yin said with little excited in his voice. He pulled my arm.

"But...I want to send my stuff to apartment first."

"No need. We want to find lot of stuff for baby. And, its going to be a long... day."

"Fine. Let's go." I rolled my eyes.


"Wei Yin, didn't you have go to work." I asked while Wei Yin driving to  shopping complex.

"This is benefit when you're a boss. I'm sure the other colleagues and subordinates can handle their works." Wei Yin said while his eyes still focus on the road.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. Your two days work at office will handle by Lan Zhan."

"Don't it will be a burden to him."

"No, he does not have any work to do. If you want to know, his job at office is gossip and busybody about other people matters. It's better give him some job." Wei Yin sighed.

" don't need to do this. I can do my job after all. There is nothing Meng Shao Fei can't do." Wei Yin laughed what I just said.

"You're pregnant. Pregnant people can't stressed or it will give bad effect to the baby. Do you want your baby's face look like angry bird?"

"W-what of course I don't want to. Wei Yin you so mean. How could you compare my baby face with that angry bird?" I smacked his arm.

"Ow! Ow! Okok...sorry. I just said look like not like." He apologized as he rubbed his arm with other free hand.

"This what you get! My baby is cute like his 'mother' you know that." My mood swing come again.

"Never do a joke especially to pregnant people." Wei Yin make a note for himself but still can heard by Shao Fei.

"SAY WHAT??!!" I yelled.



"Shao Fei, we already arrived." I woke up from my nap. I didn't realized since when I fell asleep.

I yawned and looked around. "What is this place?"

"This is the place that sell many things and offer various services. Welcome to shopping mall!" Wei Yin said with sparkle on his eyes.

"Let's go inside. Quickly!" Wei Yin pulled my arm from the outside car.

"Ok. Geez calm down, man. All people stared at us." I felt little shamed with Wei Yin behaviour. They might think we're crazy.

We took the elevator and go to level 1 where many baby stuffs sold at there. I took the cart because I know Wei Yin will buy many stuff for the baby.

Look at him, we just enter one shop but he already take 10 pairs of baby cloth at once. In few minutes, our cart full with so many things. My jaw dropped. He don't even looked at the price tag when he took that stuffs.

"Wei Yin!"

"What?" He said while looked at another baby cloth. He turned his body to me. "Shao Fei doesn't it looked cute. Look at this shirt, it have elephant's picture."

I sighed." Wei Yin! Look at our cart it's almost exploded. I know you excited about the baby but don't need to waste the money even you rich. 100 pairs of baby shirts is too much. Not to mention the toys, bottles, craddles, strollers and diapers." I took out all the shirts and handed it to Wei Yin.

"Now, I want you put all these shirts at the place back. I want 10 pairs only."

"Doesn't its too little? Maybe add another 30 pairs." Wei Yin suggested.

"Wei Yin, baby grow up faster. Beside, this cloth is washable. I think 10 pairs is enough. If not, I will buy it again...later."

"Ok. But...I want this, please." He give me a sheepish grin while showed me the shirt with elephant's picture on it.

"This is the last one." I took it and put into the cart.

After, we...I mean Wei Yin pay all the stuff. We headed to Ice Cream Shop because I'm craving an ice cream.

"What you want to order?" Asked Wei Yin.

"I want chocolate ice cream with maple syrup, gummy bears, sprinkles, chocolate rice and pickles."

"That's it." I nodded.


"Hello sir, what you want to order?" Asked the employee.

"I want 1 scoop of vanilla and yam flavour in one cup. Do you have any pickles?" When I said 'pickles' all the customers beside my que looked at me with terrified look.

"Yes? We could make is as a special request."

"Ok. So, I want chocolate ice cream with maple syrup, gummy bears, sprinkles, chocolate rice and pickles."

"Ok. Please wait a minute." Suddenly, I felt someone poked my shoulder.

"Bro, did you get someone pregnant." Asked the stranger. I shocked at the question. I laugh awkward at him.

"It's for my friends at there. He is  pregnant." That stranger nodded.

"Sir you're ice cream is ready. It's 48.93¥." I give her the money and left the counter.

"Sorry, the que is quite long." I put the Shao Fei's ice cream in front of him.

"It's fine." He took a bite the ice cream along with pickles. He show me a shocked face.

"Is it taste bad. I can chang-"

"Wei Yin...its so delicious~~ You have to taste it." He happily took another bite.

"Really." I asked and he nodded.

"Do you want some?" I shooked my head.

", thanks."

Suddenly, I heard 'click' sound. It's from a man behind Shao Fei. Who is he and why he took a picture of us? He look so suspicious. I took out my phone and message someone.

"Who do you message with?" Shao Fei asked.

"My friend."

Then, I realized that guy gone. I tried to looked around if that guy is still there but no one.

"Are you looking for someone?"

"N-no, its...just forget it. Let's continue with our ice cream."

[History 3: Trapped] To My Beloved HusbandWhere stories live. Discover now