Chapter 40- The Aftermath

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"I thought they had to wait until the full moon," Klaus states in confusion, and Jessica smiles.

"I'm actually more powerful than Dahlia when I know what spells she's using. I countered it to change it to a crescent moon instead. Hope will have her mother by the end of the night."

"Have I ever told you how much I love your adoration for my child?"

"Nope, but I do see it in your eyes when I talk about her." She gives him a final kiss before walking out of the room, happy she had cleared things up with him about Camille.


After her coffee date with Caroline, who told her that she and Stefan were officially together and that Rebekah and Marcel seem to be cute together, Jessica heads to see Ric, Jo, and Kai. As soon as she walks in, she's glad that she showed up. Jo seems to have a terrible case of morning sickness that has affected both Kai and Ric. Damon, who had come to visit Ric, however, was fine but had no idea how to handle the situation. Jessica had to hold back a laugh as every time Jo heaved, Ric and Kai would follow simultaneously.

"This is pathetic," she says as she walks to the kitchen and begins pulling out herbs. She pours a glass of warm water and mixes some herbs in it before walking to the bathroom and handing it to Jo as she pulls her hair, that was miraculously vomit free, back into a bun. "It's an herbal mixture that helps with morning sickness. They used to use it back in the old days when they didn't have doctors that could prescribe stuff to help with it," she points out and Jo takes the glass, drinking it slowly until it's gone.

"Thanks and the morning sickness hasn't been that bad until today."

Jessica giggles. "I think that might have more to do with dumb and dumber," she stage-whispers and both men grunt, making her giggle louder. "Well, I hope you all feel better. I'll text you the recipe for the mixture if it gets bad again," she tells Jo before turning to Kai. "As for you, Malachai, I wanted to thank you for using the Gemini's to keep Daliah inside the city. I would kiss your cheek but you reek, so that's not gonna happen. Ric, try and put your fiancée's hair up the next time she is vomiting uncontrollably because it's very hard to get vomit out of your hair as it tends to induce more vomit," Ric nods and holds up a thumb to acknowledge the advice.

Jessica laughs and walks out only to have Damon catch her wrist. "Can I talk to you real quick or are you busy?"

Jessica smiles at him. "I was just going to go home and see if Nik wanted to do something before I go make sure Hayley and her pack turn back."

Damon looks at her sadly. "So you're back with him then?"

Jessica's smile turns sad. "Yeah, I'm sorry Damon. I don't want to hurt you, either of you. I love you both so much-"

"But you've made your choice?" He cuts her off and she nods. He smiles at her. "Next time you break off your fling with some guy that means nothing to you, I'll be there to ask you out, mark my words. We have eternity, Jessica Gilbert, and I will never stop loving you, but I'll try to move on," he promises and she kisses his cheek.

"I hope that you find a way to be happy. How are things with your mom?" She questions and he ends up spending the rest of the day confiding in her about how he hates his mom for leaving them alone with Guisseppe but also how he can't help but love her, she's his mom. He tells her about how she started a new family that she's hellbent on getting back, even if it means losing him and Stefan. Jessica tells him that Enzo is in love with Lily and that she saw it in his memories and apologizes for not telling him that she was alive. He forgives her and before she knows it, the moon is almost at its apex and she excuses herself.

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