Chapter 32

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     After the whole revival scene, I was rushed to the hospital to get my vitals checked and so I can have my injuries treated. While that was happening Zane was sent to his father's (who is also has been worried about me). We both had time to ourselves and were able to call as much as we could during our recovery.

     Currently, I'm walking over to another room n the medical ward to go visit a friend. Finding that right room I was kind of questioning if I should go in. It's only been a few weeks since the whole fight and something is telling me to no go in. No, that's me being nervous. Shaking my head, I finally took a deep breath and enter the room.

    Inside Cole was just staring out the window that overlooked the city. When I entered he didn't turn to me or when I approach him. Grabbing a nearby chair I sit across from him looking out into the city. His room was filled with small gifts and flowers hoping for his return or well being. Neither of us said a word but just look outside.

      "How's your wound..." he asks, finally deciding to speak. He seems tense at first but now is much more comfortable. 

     "It's healing...the doctors said it's a miracle that I'm even alive and I have to do some physical therapy to help exercise...Other than that I'm okay" I reply looking back at him. He looks at me for a moment before smiling as well. "And you? What did the doctors say?"

     "Hm, almost the same thing as you...I mean I was still barely alive but I had lost so much blood that they all thought I might die before getting to the surgery room. Luckily I made it, they stitched up the wound afterward and had to bring in a new amount of blood...Long story short I have a few cool battle scars to tell people about" he jokes, lightening the mood. 

    We soon talked about the most random topics that came to mind as if the room was our sanctuary. Cole and I were talking like old friends again, I couldn't be any happier. It was comforting that after all of this no one died and hopefully things can get back to normal. 

     "...Have you gotten word from Zane yet?" 

     "Not today but we make sure to talk as much as we can between my appointments and his mechanical 'surgery'. His dad currently still trying to find new parts to help build him back to normal again..." I reply sipping my tea. 

     "He cares a lot about you...and I don't show it much but I know he completely deserves you. You deserve each what I'm trying to say is I'll be doing my best to root for you guys. While doing that I want to find someone for me, as cliche as that might be" he replies wholeheartedly with such sincerity.

     I couldn't help but smile at his supporting words. Cole honestly is one of the best guys I've ever met and the fact he was just here to support me. It's honestly really touching. Deep down I know it might take time for him to find someone else but I know when he does...I'll support him just as much. It's the least I could do for one of my best friends.     

     "But if he makes you cry just know I'll be knocking some sense into that tin head of his."

     Yeah, same old Cole...


    Both Cole and I worked hard in our treatments that in a matter of weeks we were discharged. After being lectured about taking it easy for the time being we were sent off with sincere goodbyes and hope for our care. It was honestly very sweet of them. 

     Outside we made our way over to the others who were waiting for our arrival and they came into sight. Nya quickly comes running in throwing her arms around me. I hug back quickly feeling her loving embrace just as I see Cole watching us. What he didn't notice was Jay come flying towards him.

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