27; raindrops & post it notes

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Jeongguk chuckled softly. He slowly got up from his knees whilst picking taehyung up in his arms, hands resting on the boys bottom. He carried him to his room and layed him down on the bed, draping the blanket over his body.

Jeongguk stepped away from the bed, about to close the door but didnt get very far as taehyungs hand clutched his pants.

He heard the boy let out a whimper and jeongguk leaned down, mouth close to the boys ear. "im just closing the door, dont worry." he whispered.

Taehyungs hold on his trousers loosened and jeongguk smiled, quickly shutting his door. He walked back to the bed, getting in the covers and pulled taehyung against his chest, wrapping his arms around him.

Taehyung shuffled around trying to  find a comfy position. he pressed his forehead against jeongguks chest. "go to sleep, im here." jeongguk muttered to him and taehyung relaxed subconciously.


When the two fell asleep it was five am nearing six and jeongguk was up again now, at nine am as he had to go for another important mission.

He slowly unwrapped his arms from taehyungs body and got up with a stretch. He ran a hand through his hair, trying to make it more presentable since he had no time to shower or anything.

He got up and instead of leaving taehyung a text he got out a post it note and wrote the boy a short note telling him why he was gone. He placed it on the nightstand and had one last glance at the peaceful sleeping boy before silently leaving the room.

Three hours later taehyung woke up because of the sunlight invading jeongguks room. His eyes squinted open, pupils immediately darting to his right and taehyung began to panic when jeongguk wasnt next to him.

But then he caught sight of the note and heaved a sigh of relief as he read it, knowing jeongguk was going to come back.

So taehyung was happy and content as he got ready for the day. He was humming the tune of a random song as he skipped downstairs into the kitchen.

And he gasped loudly when he saw seokjin.

"hyungie!" the brunette exclaimed as he ran to his older and hugged him.

Seokjin was delighted, hugging taehyung back tightly. "i missed you tae!" seokjin huffed, hands squishing taehyungs cheeks together.

The boy struggled and his giggle came out foreign through his pouty lips. Seokjin let go, he and taehyung going to sit down comfortably.

"i missed you too hyung." taehyung smiled, picking out a grape from the fruit bowl in front of him and plopping it into his mouth.

Seokjin smiled and got up, fixing his clothes. He was in front of the stove, cooking himself some eggs. "do you want some sweetie?" seokjin asked, referring to the omelete he was making.

Taehyung nodded, eyes sparkling once he saw the food. "yes please!"

Taehyung always found comfort through seokjins food.


It was eleven pm. The rain fell down hard as it hit against the windows and roof, the loud noise of the impact grieving taehyung to the max.

He was sat on jeongguks bed, eyes blearily focusing on the raindrops trickling down the clear glass. His eyelids were becoming droopy from boredom and he was supporting his chin with the palm of his hand, elbow propped up on his knee.

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