Chapter Thirteen- Luca

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"She didn't know. All she could tell me was that it was part of an ongoing investigation. She said the judge wouldn't sign it though, because they had insufficient evidence." Char continued, looking defeated about the entire situation.

"Of course, they do." I rubbed my forehead. "She couldn't tell you anything else?"

She shook her head. "And I can't really be asking a lot of questions. I mean, I technically work for the DA and if they're investigating you..."

"It could affect your job." I chewed on the inside of my cheek. "I know. I don't want you to do that. I'll handle it, okay? I'm going to go talk to that cop and just see what the deal is. Maybe if I can sit down with them, I can put the whole thing to rest."

"Okay." She gave me a soft smile. "When you're done, maybe we can take a drive out to the winery or something. I don't really feel like staying around here and it might be nice to get away, even if it is only for the afternoon."

"That sounds perfect." I brushed my lips against hers and lingered for a few extra seconds. I hated that this bullshit was effecting her.

"And behave yourself, will you? They're still cops, even if they're making a huge mistake." She smirked, rolling her eyes playfully.

"I'll be back in a few minutes." I winked at her and headed out the back door.

It took the guy a few seconds to notice I was coming, and when he did, he straightened up in his seat.

"Mr. Catalano." He smirked, climbing out of the car.

"Can I help you with something? I hear you've been going to great lengths to track me down." I said, folding my arms over my chest.

"Just keeping an eye on things. I'm sure your wife told you about our nice little chat the other day. There have been some robberies in the area and we're just increasing patrols." The guy was a pompous asshole and the last thing I wanted to do was give him the time of day.

"Look, if your problem is with me, you need to leave my wife out of it instead of coming to her place of work and harassing her." I said, trying to remain as calm as I could. Charlotte was right—I couldn't give them any reason to actually arrest me.

The officer chuckled. "Okay then, why don't you come down to the station with me and we can sort this whole thing out?"

"I'd be happy to do that. Here is my lawyer's card. You can arrange it with him. And until then, leave my wife the fuck alone. " I hissed, handing him Peterson's contact information.

"Is that some kind of threat?"

I let out a sharp laugh as I turned back towards the studio. "You guys really are grasping at straws, huh?"

"I'll be seeing you soon, Luca."

"Looking forward to it." I smirked, waving as I headed back into the gallery.

Char was standing at the window, no doubt having watched the entire thing. "Eavesdropping?" I chuckled.

"Trying." She rolled her eyes. "I couldn't hear a damn thing. How'd it go?"

"It went fine. I gave him Peterson's card and said if he has anything more to say, he can contact him. Otherwise, he is going to stay away from you." I said, grabbing the sushi I had brought us for lunch.

"Just like that, huh?" She crossed her arms over her chest, smirking.

"Just like that." I shrugged, shoving a roll into my mouth. "Now, are you going to eat, or what?"

Charlotte took the take out box from me and sat down at her desk. For the rest of lunch, we didn't speak about it and I got some things ready for the afternoon rushed while she put her painting away. It would be weeks before she was content enough to be done with it, but when she did, I already had the perfect spot in my office for it.

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