Getting adopted! ;)

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Maddie's POV

Ms Vicky told all the girls that we are going to introduce ourselves to these men, I started to bite on my necklace, that means I'm either scared or nervous. All the girls had introduced them selves and then it was me, I started to tear up as one of the men crouched down infront of me, he said

"don't be scared sweetie, I'm a nice man, what's your name?"

I started to relax but then I said

"m-my name is M-Maddie."

He then asked me what I had in my hand, by the way I had my bear in my hand. One of the girls that bullied me said that they are my stupid baby toys. The man infront of me said

"stop talking I never asked you" in an angry tone.

I said to him that it is my bear that comforts me when I'm nervous or when its adoption day like today. He then said,

"where did you get them from?"

"Its f-from my m-mum and d-dad before t-they started t-to a-abuse m-me" I said in an upset tone and started tearing up. the man noticed and hugged me, I hugged him back and silently cried on his shoulder. Then the man went back to the two other men.

Tayler's POV

I saw a beautiful girl come down the steps last with a motor cross hoodie on, I already knew she was the one but I had to let all the girls introduce themselves before I get to her. As she went to the back of the line she looked up at me and smiled, I smiled back, she then started to bite on her necklace and look down, I already knew she was nervous. Once I got to her I crouched down and saw that she was tearing up, I put my hand on her shoulder and said don't be scared and stuff like that, I then asked her what her name is. She replied with some stutter and said her name is Maddie, awww I said inside my head. I then realised she had a bear in her hand and I asked her what it was, then a rude girl shouted out that it is her stupid baby toys, everyone started to laugh but I thought that was very disrespectful and said for her to stop talking as I didn't ask her. Maddie then said to me that the bear was from her mum and dad before they abused her, I thought in my head "poor girl, she must have been through a lot". I went back to Tony and Ondreaz and said that I think I found the one, so I went up to Ms Vicky and asked for Maddie's file, she whispered yes but it was clear enough for me to hear, I wondered how she was treated in here because she just said "yes" which means she wants her to go...hmmmmmm

Maddie's POV

I heard the man that came up to me ask Ms Vicky for my file, I smiled like an idiot and put my head down so no one saw. The man came up to me and said

"my names Tayler by the way, or you can call me dad ;)"

I then just realised what he meant, OMG IM GETTING ADOPTED AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I then said to my new dad,

"OMG, you really adopted me!!"

"yeah baby I did, now go pack your bags as quick as possible while I sign the papers!" My new dad said.

"ok dad"

I then turned around and started running up the stairs but then I turned around and saw my dad smiling like an idiot, tehe, I giggled and ran the rest of the way, trying not to get caught by my bullies.

time skip

I have finished packing my bag, but I then heard footsteps coming to my door, I waited to see who it was, and guess who it was, my bullies ;(

They didn't say nothing they just started beating me up and then giggled and left the room, I sat there crying. Then my dad came in and said,

"omg what happened baby!"

he then brought me in a tight hug but not to tight so it don't hurt me.

"my b-bullies hit m-me" I said crying, my dad then picked me up and brought my stuff to the front desk, I then said bye to Mrs Vicky who was smiling, that's a first! We then went outside then my dad went up to these two boys, I snuggled my face in his chest and started biting my necklace.

Tayler's POV

I looked at her file and read everything, now I know that when she bites her necklace that means she is scared or nervous. I also found out her birthday is in two weeks! (April 12th) and that her favourite sport is motor cross, I started smiling and started staying to myself that this is the one! I went over to her and told her to call me dad, she then started freaking out with happiness, I then told her to pack her bags and of she went.

30 minutes later

She was taking quite a while so I decided to go up and help her but when I went in I saw my worst nightmare, I say my baby girl on the floor crying her eyes out with a bruise on her cheek. I went up to her and hugged nd asked what happened, she said it was her bullies, I then picker her so that she was sitting on my waist, I then noticed that she was incredibly light and hasn't been fed properly. She then placed her head on my chest as I carried all her belongings, we went outside and I walked to Tony and Ondreaz, she held me tight, snuggled into my chest and started to chew her necklace. I said to her that there is nothing to worry about and that these are your uncles, she untightened her grip a little but she was still holding on to me. We got to Tony and Ondreaz, and they said hi to Maddie and introduced them selves, she then said to Tony that she likes his hair and giggled a bit. That made us all laugh! We then took Maddie to our car and we put her in her car seat, we then asked her a few questions like how long have you been doing motor cross and are you good at motor cross. We stopped asking her questions and she started to doze of with her bear close to her...

Adopted by Tayler HolderWhere stories live. Discover now