Though Yejin missed him big time, she understood and didn't hold a single grudge on him. She just hoped that everything will be fine and that if opportunity permits, he'll go back to Houston and patch things up.

One September morning, Yumi passed by her clinic and informed her that she won't be able to come to the retirement dinner for their department's head.

"Oh, but why? You know, I don't usually come if you're not there. Please, let's go together?" She asked.

"Yej, I have my period, I just wanted to rest after my op this afternoon. You should go, the other doctors would be there." Yumi said, persuading her to go.

"Okay then, if you say so. Take some meds if you cannot take the pain anymore."

"Yeah, I'll get one from the pharma."

"Okay, I also don't have any here." She said, looking at her drawer.

As Yumi left, her eyes caught the desk calendar beside her. It's been three weeks since she'd last seen him, and Hali and Choi. Smiling, she reminisced their time together. How she missed them! Especially him.

She already checked her email this morning, as well as Hali's message, but still no reply from him. It's already midnight in Seoul, she said as she looked at the clock. Going back to the files she's holding, she suddenly thought to herself to remember that she needs to buy meds for dysmenorrhea, just in case Yumi will need one and of course, herself...


Suddenly, it hit her.

She had her period a week before she came to Florida. So she must have her period by next week. Knowing her cycle and being an ob-gyn herself, there's a little chance that she conceived that night. She tried not to worry about it, but she couldn't discount the possibility. Trying to calm herself, she noted that she'd drop by the pharma later to grab an early result pregnancy test kit. Then she realized, it might just make her be more anxious since it's more accurate to have the test after her missed period.

"Dr. Son?" A woman slipped her head through her clinic's door.

"Yes?" She looked at her, inquiring.

"I'm scheduled for an appointment today, right now." The woman smiled.

"Oh, yes, please come in. Good morning." She lost track of time and forgot her next client, who's now here. Focusing on her patient, she convinced herself that she need not worry about it and went on with her day.


That early Saturday morning, she was catching up with Hali and Choi. It has been their habit to call each other weekly. They have been chatting for a while, and they told her that Bin seemed to be very busy as he still did not return their call. Hali, noted, however, that they bumped into her sister at the supermarket. She told them that Bin was out of the country and might return by the third week of September. Their father was still in coma, though he was showing progress in his vital stats. Yejin was relieved with the news. After that, Hali then became excited.

"Yej!! I think you should come to Seoul soon!"

"Huh? Why?"

"Or should I come there to you? Baby, what do you think."

Choi just looked at her sweetly.

"Why, what's the matter? Are you leaving Choi?" Yejin laughed, teasing Choi.

"No, we're pregnant!" Hali exclaimed and hugged Choi.

"Wow, that's great Hali!"

Normally, she would have jumped with excitement, knowing her best friend was pregnant. It had been their dream that they would raise their children together, like their own, and will make them become best friends, just like them. However, she felt nervous realizing her situation. Trying to hide her ordeal, she exclaimed and rejoiced with them.

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