I hear Xavier sigh loudly and he tsk at me as well. It feels like forever until he does, he decides to do something. I thought he might leave or try and talk to me. What I didn't expect was a hard pinch of my right nipple. Gasping I open my eyes quickly looking at him. Seeing Xavier's face, it has a massive smirk on it. Before I can even think of anything to say, my right hand comes up and smacks him in the face. Shocked at my actions Xavier's arms loosen around my waist which gives me enough time to get some much need space between him and I. I grab the blanket from the chair and wrap it around my body suddenly feeling very exposed. Looking at Xavier I see him hold his cheek and he doesn't look too impressed, but he also doesn't look seething mad either.

"I'll give you that one sparrow but don't think about hitting me again, you hear me?" He speaks to me very slowly and very sternly. Gulping down some air I take a second look at his.

"Do not touch me without permission then. How dare you do something like that to me." I say in almost a whisper like voice. I doubt he even heard me but by the look on his face I think he may of.

"Alright I won't touch you until you are begging me, do you understand?" He says to me. Scoffing at him I know I will never beg for him, ever.

"Why did you even come in here? Honestly this hasn't been the greatest night to come home to. I'd love to just go to bed now and pretend that tonight never even happened." I say suddenly just wanting to go to bed. He studies me for a little bit and then he comes to an understanding within himself.

"Just wanted to say it was a lovely evening and I didn't realise you hated these dinner parties otherwise I would've told your dad to do something else." He says sincerely. Nodding my head, I stop halfway.

"Wait you suggested that my dad have a diner party? Since when does my dad listen to anyone other them himself? Wait did you know I was coming home today?" I say quickly becoming confused with the information Xavier has just given me. Going from confident to vacant in his face, giving nothing away.

"I think you may want to talk to your dad about that. He should be the one to tell you not me." He states to me. Looking at him I can see he's not going to give anything away. Shaking my head, I step towards the door determined to just head to my bed and sleep for the next ten years.

"Goodnight Xavier." I whisper before I step out of library before I can hear if he responds or not. Closing the door, I take off my heels and dart towards from room. Getting to my room without seeing anyone I breathe a sigh of relief when I make it. Turning the lock to make sure no one comes in I go into my closet to find my pjs. Placing some sweatpants on and a tank top I go into the bathroom and start to remove my makeup. After that I go and grab my phone from my purse and flop onto my bed. Opening up my phone I go into my messages and start to text Clara.

Hey Clara! Home and safe but you'll never guess what my dad did :/

Sup bitch, you were suppose to message me when you got there not that night. Let me guess he organised one of his stupid dinners?

Yes, and he didn't even tell me. Honestly was it that hard for him to just let me have this night without it.

Were there any cute guys there at least? I mean no one can compare to how hot Marty is.

Eww gross that's my brother remember but there was one guy there. I don't want to see him again tho, he confuses me too much. He told me he organised this dinner not my dad, so I don't know what to think.

Wow that is some interesting gossip you'll have to keep me informed of everything that happens, you hear me?!?!

Yes, yes I will don't need to worry about that. Anyway, off to bed speak soon. Bye bish

Cya bitch. don't do anything I wouldn't do ;)

Shaking my head, I let out a little laugh loving how my best friend can make me feel even a little bit better. Hopping out of bed I go towards the light switch when there's a knock when I'm halfway there.

"Who is it?" I say loudly, really hoping it's not someone who wants a long chat. When I hear it's my brother Bruce I head towards the door and let him in. Bruce and I have always been close and I think he sometimes just knows when I need some support.

'Sorry Scar about tonight, we didn't mean to ruin your night." He says sincerely. Sighing I go over to my bed and sit down. Bruce joins me and rubs his face looking very exhausted. Really looking at him I notice he's not shaved in a couple of days and has massive bags under his eyes.

"Xavier said it wasn't even dad who wanted to do the dinner, but it was actually him. What's been happening since I left because before I left dad wouldn't listen to anyone in the family let alone someone who we hardly know." I say seeing if he would tell me anything even though I doubt he will.

"Sorry Scarlett but I can't tell you anything about the men that came tonight. Dad should've already told you about this, but he clearly hasn't. I'll speak to him tonight okay and hopefully in the morning he'll speak to you okay. I'll let you get to sleep now, you've had a long day." After getting under the covers Bruce gets up, turns of my light and leaves the room. Shifting onto my side I end up falling asleep with so many questions on my mind.


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