She threw her head back and laughed, wiggling her brows. "You love it though." She reached over and grabbed my hand, admiring the green stone for the millionth time. "Ugh I still can't believe how perfect of a ring he gave you. And while I don't get the fascination with the X-wing mumbo-jumbo, it's cute that he put that detail in."

"Yeah, he really is something else..." I said looking at the jewel myself.

"Any idea on when you want the wedding?"

I shrugged. "Who knows. Certainly after this war is over, but no one knows when that will be."

I looked up to Tash who had a worried expression. "I really don't like you being on the front lines, Si. It's scary to think that there could be a time that you just don't come back." Her voice was quiet and serious, letting me know how deeply she felt on the matter. I smiled, taking her hand.

"Oh, Tash. You know why I chose this path better than anyone."

"Well, duh. Doesn't mean I like it, even if it does mean I get to brag that my best friend is a bad bitch lieutenant for the Resistance."

I shook with laughter, grabbing her shoulders with a hug and falling onto the bed. "I'm not going anywhere, babe. Bad bitch lieutenants are hard to shoot down. Few have tried, and all have failed."

"Okay you don't have to be all big-headed about it, Poe." This caused both of us to laugh out loud. We spent the rest of the evening just chatting about random stuff before I had to leave to prepare for our mission.

Tash held me in a tight hug while we stood at her door. "I love you, Si. Tell Poe I said to please be careful tomorrow. With the two of you together, who knows if that old clunker ship will even make it."

I rolled my eyes, but smiled. "I'll make sure to tell him, and we will do our best to return the ship in one piece. I love you, too."

We were up before the suns, and I was dealing with a crew of grumpy men who were dragging to the ship. "Guys, come on. We need to go."

"Is she always this chipper in the mornings?" I heard Finn ask Poe from the bottom of the ramp.

"Every. Morning." Poe replied.

"I heard that!" I yelled as I walked to the cockpit to check in with Chewy. He had the ship ready to take off once the others were on board. "How's everything looking, Chewy?"

As I figured, there were no problems this morning getting the Falcon started up. I had run full diagnostics while waiting for the guys to crawl their way to the hangar. I sat in the pilot's position as Chewy and I waited for the others. I couldn't help but wonder what my father would think if he knew I would one day be sitting in the pilot's seat of the Millennium Falcon.

Poe came in, doing a double-take once he noticed me in "his" seat. "Nuh-uh, Dreis. Outta my chair." I rolled my eyes, sitting up taller.

"I don't know, I think Chewy would definitely prefer if I was the one flying the ship." The wookie was quick to agree as I tilted my head with a "told you so" smirk.

"Yeah, yeah, everyone likes you more than me. At least I'm better looking." I rolled my eyes and stood walking to the seat behind his. He smacked my behind as I passed, laughing lightly.

"Ass." I mumbled under my breath as Finn walked in, taking the other seat.

It wasn't too much longer before we were in the sky, set on auto-pilot as we took lightspeed through the systems. I was kicked back with a book on the deck while Chewy, Poe and Finn played holochess. Their constant bickering was quite the entertainment.

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