He came back

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Kirio sat on his bed hearing his dad marching around looking for him he sighed abit seeing Jason in the corner of his room. "Hello?" Said Kirio quietly. "Hi I'm Jason" replied Jason softly he walked over to kirio standing in front of him. Kirio looked up at him as Jason hugged him. Kirio hugged back abit surprised at the sudden movement. Jason disappeared after because he had to go killing. Kirio cried abit but his dad came to his room using the shock collar thankfully he didn't try to rape Kirio but he did hit him and use the shock collar making kirio cry out in pain. His dad just smirked before walking off. Kirio sighed walking to the bathroom. He picked up the knife and cut not one cut or two cuts not three cuts but four the blood just started dripping from his wrists to the floor he pulled the long sleeves over the cuts. He cried abit and went to rest afterwards he woke up and ate with his dad. His dad sent Kirio off to his room Kirio walked off and sat at his desk and started drawing abit it was a drawing of Jason he smiled at the photo sticking it into one of his drawers. He sat on his bed waiting for Jason to come back and he did. Kirio smiled and gave Jason the photo. "Aww thanks kiddo" said Jason softly. Kirio smiled slight "no problem" he said softly. He smiled and hugged Jason goodnight before Jason went home.

With Heartbreak comes Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें