Best Friends (Extra)

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Ringo Tsukimiya

Ringo would be a great best friend to have. He would look after you when you're sad. Help you when you need advice, and most importantly... Have the best fashion advice. Yes Ringo will always be there when you can't find an outfit to wear for any occasion. He will also help when it comes to hair and makeup. But that was his cross dressing, female side. On his male side, he will be a lot more relaxed, but still a fashion expert, but he chooses to stay at home with you a lot more and just enjoy those moments. Ringo will always take you to his and Ryuya's concerts, along with the new boy band STARISH. If Ringo couldn't help you in any situation, he would immediately call Ryuya, his other best friend. If he wasn't available, he would call STARISH, Quartet Night, Shining, Tomochika, heck he'd even call HEAVENS or Raging if it was an emergency. He really was a great best friend.

Ryuya Hyuga

Ryuya will be a lot more stubborn as a best friend. He will still help you out when you were in a tough spot, but he will be lot more restricted and confined then Ringo will be. When you are sad he will be awkward, but still try to help you out the best he can. Like his brother, Ryuya is a lot better at socialising, and a lot nicer when it's just the two of you together. He will cook for you, because apparently your not to be trusted, and when he can't do that, he will call Ringo, Yamato (apparently he can cook) he might even call STARISH and Quartet Night if need be, but he will not ever let Natsuki cook for his best friend. Ever. Ryuya is a tough nut as well, so he won't hesitate to get into a fight if it means he's protecting you. Overall, he would be a good best friend to have on your side.

Tomochika Shibuya

Tomo-chan is very bubbly, so if you were shy that would be a problem, but her kind personality would totally make up for that. Tomochika would look after you the whole way, making sure you were alright, warding away bullies, helping you if you were sad, even giving brilliant fashion advice, like her senpai Ringo. If you needed anything Tomo would be right there. She's also very good at scheduling, so loads of her free time could be spent with you. If needed, Tomochika also knows loads of great people she could trust to look after you, if you needed help. For example, Ringo Tsukimiya, Nanami Haruka, STARISH and Quartet Night. If you needed anything, Tomo-chan will be on the case. She's a really great friend.

Nanami Haruka

Haruka would be shy and caring. Making sure you were fine, checking you had gotten everything you needed, even if she hadn't remembered herself, and helping you if something had happened. Though she's clumsy and forgetful, she would try her best to be the best, best friend she could. If you were really spunky and bold, she wouldn't hesitate to hide behind you every time there was a fight or argument though. Nanami-chan can be really kind in any situation, meaning if you had hurt yourself, lost something, or even someone you knew had, she would be at your side in seconds. She would also be a great friend.

Shining Saotome

Shining would be a very unusual friend. He would be courageous, outright weird, but also protective. If anyone hurt you, even the mother of his son, he would fight them. When you found out that Shining had a son, you would be overjoyed and ask straight away if there was anything you could do to help. If you were shy, being friends with Shining might have been a bit problematic, but he would do everything he could to make you feel welcome and appreciated. If Shining needed someone to help Otoya with mother issues, even if the Ittoki boy didn't know they were related, Shining would ask you to help him out. Of course it was a two way bargain, so if you needed something he would be right there to help, but if he couldn't, he would call Ringo, Ryuya or even Raging if it was down right serious, because he cares for you as a best friend so much.

Raging Otori

Raging would be an unusual friend to have. He would be ambitious, eccentric, and most of the time, revengeful. He could be a handful sometimes, but if he notices you're worried or concerned, he would right over to help you sort it out. When Raging had kids, he trusted you to babysit them when he couldn't. Meaning, Eiichi and Eiji took quite a liking to you, seeing you as their aunt. Raging, although he would nether admit it out loud, loved you loads. You were the best friend he could ask for, meaning when something went wrong, he couldn't help but worry. When ether you two were alone, he'd take the time to just about everything and catch up on all the other person has missed. You two would be like partners in crime, except that you might be friends with Shining as well.

Satsuki Shinomiya

(I know Satsuki is the other half of Natsuki, but oh well, here goes nothing.)

Satsuki would be very protective. The minute he found you not to be a threat, he immediately took you in, and protected you with all his might. That might be how some of those 50,000 people ended up in the hospital. Oops. He would make sure you got everywhere safely, even threatening Syo or Nagi to check up on you if he couldn't. He would get angry very easily as well, if someone hurt you or upset you. Satsuki just wouldn't take it. When alone, Satsuki might relax a bit and even suggest watching a movie. The only rule, it couldn't be a drama, romance or kids movie, so something with a gruesome death might be expected. If you were scared of that, Satsuki would let you snuggle up close with him, and eventually fall asleep. He would be a great friend. Overprotective and violent, but great.

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