Gabe's POV*
I called Alex, my girlfriend, to come with me but she isn't here yet.
I've been waiting for twenty minutes.
Where is she?
"Oh my god Gabe, I'm so sorry I'm late" Alex came running to me and she hugged me.
"It's alright, I'm just glad your here, I love you babe" I told her then I kissed her
"You said there's something you want to talk about" said Alex
"Yeah, um....there's this really mental girl that threatened us this morning and I want you to know that, if I don't make it out alive, I love you beautiful" I told her
"Come on Gabe, seriously" she said while laughing
"I'm serious babe, there's a psychotic girl threatening us, she knows where we live and her target is Cole! I need you to stay with us during the weekend, please Alex, come on babe" I told her
"But your all guys! And your all idiots" Alex said in a joking way
"We're not idiots, besides, we met a really nice beautiful girl two months ago and she's our friend, her mom is outta town and she's staying with us." I told Alex
"Make sure she doesn't touch you" said Alex
"Don't worry, she's Coles girlfriend" I told her
"Besides, I used to love her, but I've moved on to you, your better than her, you know, as a girlfriend, but she's a really great friend. You'll get along just fine" I told Alex then I kissed her.
"You had a crush on her?" Asked Alex
"Don't worry, I'm over her, I promise" I told her.
She bit her lip and then she said
"Ok fine, I'll stay with you guys, I really wanna meet the girl" she said
"Yes! Thanks babe! By the way, you look sexy when you bite your lip" I told her
She blushed and she tried to change the subject
"what's her name?" Asked Alex
"Ally" I told her
"Oh, ok cool" she said

(End of the POV's) ;)

Cole and I went back home and when we got in the house we saw all the boys sitting on the couch.
There was one beautiful girl sitting on Gabe's lap.
"Hey guys" said Cole
"Hey guys" I said
"Hey" they all said even the girl
The girl stood up and came over to me and she hugged me.
Gabe smiled and she shook my hand
"I'm Alex, I'm Gabe's girlfriend and I'm gonna be staying with you guys for a while" she said
I smiled cause she seems really nice
"I'm ally, I'm Coles girlfriend, and don't worry, these boys are idiots and if one of them bothers you, especially Dana, just tell me." I told her
"Hey!" Laughed dana
"Hahaha" she laughed
"So, you heard about Becca?" I asked her
"Yeah, I did." She said
"Let's go upstairs and talk" she said
We both ran upstairs laughing and we talked about girl stuff
She's my new best friend, according to the both of us. Lol.
"You think the girls are getting along fine?" Asked David
"Yup, Alex is totally gonna love ally" said Gabe
"Yeah, I guess" said will
The boys just sat on the couch on their phones.
"And don't worry, I won't bother them" said Dana
"Hahaha, man they we're just joking" laughed Gabe
"Awe shucks" said dana
Then will just laughed
Then suddenly Gabe and Cole came up to us and...
"Hey beautiful" said Cole
"Hey Cole" I said then I kissed his cheek
"Hi babe" said Gabe
"Hey baby" said Alex then he kissed her
"We're talking about girl stuff, get out" I told the boys
"Yup, get out idiots" said Alex then we both laughed.
"Whoa whoa whoa, we're here to take you downstairs to watch a movie" said Gabe
"Yeah, so let's go girls" said Cole
Cole held my hand and the four of us went downstairs.
We sat on the couch.
Alex sat on Gabe's Lap and he put his hand on her waste.
I sat down on Coles Lap and he put his arm on my shoulder and I put my head on his shoulder.
Will and Dana sat on the floor with their backs on the couch, cause David took their spot. Literally he took all the couch space.
There was one more couch so dana sat on it.
"Hey that's my seat" whined will
"Then how come my butt's on it" said Dana laughing
Will crossed his arms and he just sat on the floor.
We watched the dark night rises because of Alex and Gabe.
But in the middle of the movie I looked over at Alex and Gabe and they weren't watching the movie. they were giggling and whispering to each other stuff and even more giggling, the next thing I know, they went upstairs.

"Hey babe, I'm bored, and I know your bored too, let's go upstairs" whispered Cole
"Yeah, sure lets go, I'm sick of watching this movie anyway" I told Cole
Then Dana, will and David just sat on the couch watching the movie and eating popcorn. They love that movie.
Cole and I went up to my room (guest room)
And Cole locked the door behind him.
"So what do you wanna do?" I asked Cole
"Um.....I don't know" he said
Then I kissed him.
He took off his shirt and then he started kissing me.
He put his arms on my waste and then he leaned on the door, and I put my arms on his neck. We were kissing until we heard someone knocking on the door.
Cole opened the door.
Then will raised his eyebrows, knowing we were making out.

Will's POV*
I knocked on the door and then the door opened, reveling a shirtless Cole and ally beside him.
"What are you guys doing?" I asked knowing exactly what they were doing
"Um.....nothing" said ally
"Oh yeah, then why is Cole shirtless?" I asked
"I'm not" said Cole then he grabbed his shirt and he put it on.
"Yeah, well I'm....just gonna go" I said then I left.
Well that was awkward.

I went to Gabe's room and I knocked on the door.
No one answered.
I opened the door, reveling a shirtless Gabe and Alex making out.
Not again.....
"YO!!!!" I yelled really loud, I guess I scared them cause Gabe fell out of the bed and onto the floor, and Alex hit her head on Gabe's head.
"Whoa, man what are you doing here?" Asked Gabe
"The question is, why are you having sex with Alex?!" I asked
"Maybe because, SHE'S MY GIRLFRIEND" Gabe yelled the last part.
"You guys have been dating for 24 hours, try to take things slow" I told them
Alex and Gabe put on their clothes and they left the room.
I went over to Dana and David and they were still watching the movie.
"Guys, yo guys, hello?" I said trying to get their attention.
"Well I'm leaving, ok bye" I said then I left the house.
"Did you hear that?" Asked Dana
"Hear what?" Asked David
Then he shrugged and they both just watched the movie...
"Hey, where's Cole and ally?" Asked Dana
"I don't know, let's go upstairs and check" said David
David and Dana went upstairs to check on ally and Cole.
They opened ally's room door, and they saw what I saw.
"Um....ok awkward" said Dana
"Yeah, he's sucking her face off" said David
"Yeah I'm just gonna....close this" said Dana then he closed the door so awkwardly.
"Man, I need a girlfriend" whined David
"Yeah" said Dana
Then there was awkward silence......
"Hey let's go prank call chipotle" said Dana
"Yeah let's do it!" Said David

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