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"Do you know how many people have said that?" Bryce yelled.

"The same number of people that have told you to not stand on their chair since you'll break it?" I asked.

"That was a one-time thing."

"Then there were my shoes..." He gave me a look and sat down. The boys went home and I made a few TikToks.  My phone dinged as I was eating lunch, and I checked the text.

B: Hey🖤🖤🖤 Wyd?

Me: Having lunch... you?

B: I'm bored. I'll pick you up in an hour and we're gonna go buy snacks. We're going to an outdoor movie night.

Me: Okie. Can't wait!

I hadn't been to an outdoor movie night since I was little. A ton of cars would be parked and everyone would shove their faces with food.

Bryce arrived and we went shopping. We got a bunch of candy and headed to the area. There were cars already parked and I looked at Bryce with a smile.

"Let's sit on to of the car for a bit," he said and we got up. We got pics for Instagram and Bryce paused. "You really wanna wait to announce us?"

"Just a bit longer. Please," I begged

"Okay. I don't wanna rush you into it." The movie night was amazing and super fun. There were cute moments between Bryce and I, then he dropped me at home. I pecked him on the lips and pulled away.

"Thanks," I smiled and he kissed me again. He nodded and I got out. I went in and immediately passed out on the bed.

In the morning, I woke and had plans to make. It was my birthday the next day and I knew I was cutting it close. I invited a bunch of singers, friends, and some verified people from certain apps. I didn't really invite Sway. I got RSVPs immediately and gave the list to my security. It was a pre-birthday today, so I could celebrate on my own tomorrow. The party would be lit and there was a DJ hired. It arrived and I was wearing a really cute outfit.

There were tons of people, flashing lights, underage drinking, and vaping

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There were tons of people, flashing lights, underage drinking, and vaping. But I was having fun. I was jumping around with Zoe and we were drinking our heads off. We heard yelling and looked to see Sway push their way through to us.

"Tell security you know us..." Bryce said.

"It's fine. They can stay," I told security.

"There's a fight!" Someone yelled. Everyone crowded around two guys fighting and we cheered them on.

"Join everyone in getting wasted," I told the boys and walked away. The fight ended and the party started. To say the least, the Sway boys made it hype. By the end, half the people were drunk. Jaden got the DJ to play Comatose and Bryce and I were drunk, so I didn't care when he kissed me. Some people were playing beer pong and the loser got mad, so there was a second fight outside. There were people jumping off the balcony and into the pool with their clothes on. My room was locked, so no one could get in. It ended at 1 in the morning, and Sway and I passed out in the living room. 

I woke to everyone groaning from a hangover and got them Advil.

"You party hard," Bryce groaned.

"Why weren't we on the list?" Griffin questioned.

"I don't know," I shrugged and sat back down. The whole house was a mess and the maids were already cleaning it up. We all reeked of alcohol, so they went home. Everyone but Bryce. He took a shower and sat with me on my bed.

"We have a small problem..." He showed me a video someone had posted of the party, and Bryce and I were kissing in the back. There were tons of comments on my recent video about that and I looked at Bryce.

"We should announce..." Bryce went live and I sat with him.

"So, there was a party here at Sophie's place last night. And many of you saw the video of us kissing. We're here to address the rumors. Yes... We're dating," Bryce said.

"We wanted to ease into it so we didn't announce sooner," I said.

"Also, everyone spam Happy Birthday, Sophie in the comments." I smiled and everyone did.

"Thanks, guys," I said.

"We're gonna get off now and go get breakfast," Bryce said and ended. "My baby is turning 18!" He kissed my cheek and I smiled. We went to IHOP and got pancakes. Bryce paid and we sat in the car. "Let's get dinner tonight. A date."

"Really?" I bit my lip, smiling.

"Yeah." This would be a different birthday. I could feel it. And it would be because of him that it would be amazing. "I know it's your birthday and stuff, but I need to vent to you," Bryce said, stopping in a parking lot.

"Yeah, of course."

"Am I a douche? Am I problematic? Am I annoying? Do I make you wanna kill yourself?" He asked.

"Okay, first of all... You are the right amount of douche for me. I hate guys who are complete dicks to everyone or are always so nice. You aren't annoying all the time, Bryce. But I honestly don't care that you are. And you would never make me wanna kill myself. Do you view yourself as problematic?" I asked.

"All the fans say that I'm the most problematic in the house. I don't think I am," Bryce said, feeling a bit better.


"Oh, thanks," he said sarcastically and got out of the car.

"Bryce, wait! I didn't mean it!" He shut the door and leaned against the car. I got out and went over. "Bryce, I didn't mean it," I pulled at his hand.

"It's always great to know that my girlfriend thinks I'm problematic, too."

"No! I'm sorry! I love you," I stated and he froze.

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