"I think I am just missing Arizona," I said, shuffling away slightly.

They gave each other a look.

"How about we get you over there to see your friends?"

A small smile involuntary took over my face. "Really?" I asked.

My mom grinned, "Yes, I think that would be great! Why don't we call Carla's mom and make it a surprise? I know this move has been tough on you, and I think it would be fun for you to over for a weekend."

I nodded vigorously and engulfed my parents in a hug. I was lucky to have them.

When we went home, we phoned Carla's mom and set it up so I could come in two weeks for Carla's birthday. She would tell some of my other friends, but it would be a surprise for Carla. Our other friends would have some fun fall activities for us all to do together. It was great to have something to look forward to again.

I booked a plane ticket that night. It took everything I had not to pack my bags.

When I walked into my closet to decide what I would wear, I realized I had not been caring for my clothes as well as I had been recently, so I cleaned my closet for the rest of the evening. I made sure everything was colour coated and correctly put together.

Then I found my list. The one with the five things that I had planned on doing to make this year the best one yet. I would never get to number five.

Four was good enough I tried to remind myself so the tears wouldn't start.

Then I got distracted by my inventory.

Sunday, I started a few sewing projects, and on Monday after school, I put them up online. By Tuesday, two of the three had been purchased.

I felt immense pride, and I was happy that my parents had been so happy for me as well. Maybe I should be focusing a bit more on my dreams and less about the boy with the amazing blue eyes.

At school, Eli still wholly ignored me, but I wasn't as heartbroken because on Tuesday night, Vanessa, Claire and I went bowling. I apologized for my cold behaviour the previous week, and they took it in stride.

"You know, last year I didn't speak for a month after I had been dumped, and you're doing fine after only a few days! So I commend you for it."

I agreed, not mentioning that I had not been dumped because we were never actually together in the first place.

At the end of the night, we agreed to get dinner on Saturday night with two other Juniors, George and Jessica. I had not met either of them, but it was nice to be around with people in my grad year. I needed to start being around people who were going to be around next year. Even if I didn't instantly click with this group, I enjoyed their company. I was happy with them.

George was apparently on the soccer team with Eli and Owen, and they invited me to come to watch the game with them on Sunday. I declined, saying that I was going to spend some time with my family.

I got a text this week to come with Taylor, which I hadn't been expecting. I politely declined, but we struck up a conversation.

Taylor, I had instantly clicked with, and I decided that no matter what was going on with Eli, I wanted Taylor in my life. I was not going to ignore her. She was probably way more hurt and confused than I was.


On Sunday night, I did text Eli, even though everything was telling me to stop trying.

Good Luck

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