By noon, Kyle and Jones had shown up. They were checking out some of the vintage car parts my dad had around the store, and my dad was following them around, telling them where he got each piece. They nodded along. I could tell that Jones was just being polite, but Kyle seemed genuinely interested.

Kyle phoned his dad, who came down and purchased a substantial piece hanging on the wall. My dad was proud of me for inviting such a lucrative customer, which I thought was hilarious because I am not the one who phoned Kyle's dad, and I am not the reason his store was doing so well.

But in my mind, I checked off "make my dads store a success."

My dad had done such a fantastic job. His hard work paid off.

The store had only been open for an hour, and we had already made a few major sales, not including the piece that Kyle's dad purchased.

Some of the other girls who I had invited also showed up, and I had a great time talking with them.

The photo stations around the store were a hit. I spent the second half of the morning taking cute photos for everyone on my fancy camera with promises to send them.

It was going great, except for the fact that Eli still hasn't shown. His vacancy was understandably noticeable by all of our friends, but every time someone asked where he was, I just shrugged. I had no idea where he was.

It was almost 1 PM when I saw Brodie enter the store.

My stomach flipped, looking for Eli, who I am sure would be coming in at any moment behind him. "Hi, Brodie!" I said, smiling and waving at him.

He grinned tensely and came over to me.

"Betty, I have to talk to you." His voice was low.

My pulse sped up, Eli wasn't with him. No one followed him in. I gulped, "okay, sure."

I nodded at my mom, who took over the refreshment area.

Brodie followed me outside, and my neck felt hot as soon as we stepped into the sun. It was warm today, the perfect day for the store's opening.

Brodie looked uncharacteristically nervous. "I didn't mean to tell him, but Eli found out that Owen drove him home."

I paused, "Okay?" I was confused, was that a big deal?

"Betty... Owen didn't know." Brodie said slowly. Trying to get me to understand without saying it.

I gasped. Oh my god, what had I done? I mean, it was a little ridiculous, his strange request of no one knowing he was rich, but it wasn't my place to tell anyone, and I had done just that. He had trusted me to keep his secret. He liked me because of it.

"Oh my god, I have to tell Owen not to tell anyone... Do you think he has?" I said frantically. I don't know if I could fix this, but I had to try. I can't lose Eli.

"I know Owen, so probably not. But Eli is mad, Betty. Really mad. He's not coming. I'm sorry." Brodie's voice was strained; he was speaking fast. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to tell him."

His voice cracked. I could tell he was broken up about this.

"No, no, Brodie, this isn't your fault at all, it's mine." I didn't want him to feel any blame for this. I had messed up. Eli did not ask a lot of me; this was his one thing. He dealt with a bunch of weird shit because of me, and I broke his trust. He might never want to speak to me again.

My chest contracted. I can't believe I was so stupid. Just as things were getting good, I ruined my own story. Brodie pulled me into a hug. His heart was beating fast, and he squeezed me tightly. I placed my head on his chest, trying to keep the tears at bay. I had to pull myself together.

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