Brodie turned Eli to his side and looked up at me. His smile turned into a frown.

"Oh my god, Betty, your head!" He said, getting up and coming to my side.

"What?" I asked. What the hell is wrong with my head?

"You have a huge red mark; it looks like it's bleeding a little." He said, leaning close to my face.

Oh. The bathroom door. I had already forgotten about that. Once I noticed, I winced. Ow that hurt more than I realized. I hope Taylor didn't realize, but she was probably too drunk to know what she had done. Either way, it was not her fault.

Brodie rushed to the bathroom and brought me back a facecloth.

"Here, let me," he said and delicately pressed the face cloth to my forehead. I smiled and reached up to take it from him in the right spot. Once he was sure I was holding it correctly, he let go.

I looked over at Eli. His hair was a mess, and his hands did have dried blood coating his knuckles. How many fights that boy has gotten into, and how many times Brodie has done this for him?

"Thanks, Brodie."

"Thanks for taking care of him," he said, gesturing to Eli. "What the hell happened? I mean, I get that he is drunk but your forehead and everything?"

"What do you think?" I asked, scoffing.

"A fight," he said like this was a common occurrence for him.

I nodded and winced when the cloth rubbed against my cut. "Why does Eli get in so many fights, Brodie?"

Brodie sighed, "I honestly have no clue. He dealt with mom dying a lot differently than I did. He was angry with the world and then angry with dad because he kind of faded for a while. I mean, my mom was so calm, and my dad has never been violent. Eli was just good at using his fists to solve problems, I guess. But he's so smart too it just doesn't make any sense. He has gotten better, though."

Brodie laughed, "Sometimes, I think he just wanted to be a 'bad boy,' even though he's just a giant nerd."

I giggled too.

"Why, though? Eli always has a reason to get in a fight even if it is a stupid reason."

I cringed, "Some asshole tried to kiss me."

Even though I would prefer for Eli not to get in fights, I am glad he got there when he did. I didn't want my first kiss to go to an asshole like Jackson.

Brodie burst out laughing, and I glared at him.

He quieted down, but he was still having a hard time hiding his grin, "I'm sorry for laughing, Betty, that is horrible, but I just know how much that would piss off Eli."

I nodded, and Brodie moved closer to me, taking the cloth from my hand to look at the cut. He went to the bathroom and rewetted the fabric as I sat in silence on the edge of Eli's bed. I wish the night could have gone as well as it had been originally. I was looking forward to THAT kiss.

Brodie came back and handed me the cloth. "Even though Eli was pissed, he probably should have cared a little more about you than beating up some asshole."

I shrugged, feeling the need to defend Eli. "He didn't have to hit him, but I mean, I appreciated him stepping in. I didn't want my first kiss to go to some asshole."

This time, Brodie didn't try to stop chuckling when I glared at him. "WHAT? Betty, you've never kissed anyone?! Are you serious? I can't believe that you and Eli have..." he trailed off into laughter, and I blushed and slumped on the bed, next to a completely obvious Eli.

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