20 - Stand Up For Yourself

Start from the beginning

After a few stumbling steps, Taylor and I clumsily removed our shoes and bounced around the dance floor. More than three drinks in, the room was a little blurry.

I knew I had my phone in one hand and my almost empty drink in the other, but I had no idea where my shoes went.

Taylor was a good dance partner.

Her friends eventually joined us in the middle of the floor, abandoning their boyfriends.

I smiled; this is what high school is supposed to feel like, right? We were young and having the time of our lives, at least until Taylor clutched her stomach.

"I think I am going to throw up!"

People quickly moved out of our way as I dragged her to the bathroom.

Unfortunately, it seemed her friends had abandoned us for the night, so I helped her to the toilet and held her hair while she threw up. My head was spinning, but I don't think I had nearly as much to drink as she did. After she seemed to have most of it out of her, she kicked me out of the bathroom to clean herself up a bit.

I grinned to myself. This is what high school is like, a bunch of lightweights.

I waited outside of the bathroom in the hallway, leaning against the wall, barefoot. I checked my phone, and it was only 11:20 PM, but I think the night may be over for us.

I sighed, I would have to find Owen to take us home, but I would wait for Taylor, I didn't want to lose her.

My head started to pound. The end of the night was always a headache, and I think the placebo effect was beginning to kick in. I texted Owen that we were ready to go and that Tay was in the bathroom.

I had only been waiting for a few minutes when an uneasy feeling overcame me. I looked up from my phone and almost jumped as a towering figure was looming over me. Did Owen find us already?

"Hi," slurred Jackson.

I grimaced. "Hi." Where the hell was Owen?

"Why don't you like me?" he asked, pouting. Maybe because you hurt me? Or you took a picture of my ass? Or poured a slushie on me on my first day at a new high school in a new State?

My stomach turned. Usually, I would feel bad if someone thought I didn't like them, but Jackson just made me feel sick.

"Just leave me alone, Jackson."

I had no other words for this boy, so I glanced down at my phone, trying to look busy. Jackson stood, swaggering from side to side halfway down the hallway. He gave me such an uneasy feeling that I wanted to scream.

"I don't want to."

I looked up to the boy clambering down the hallway towards me. He leaned toward me, pursing his lips. What the hell is he doing?

I ducked, and he almost fell against the wall. I may be drunk, but I would never be drunk enough for that.

"Jackson DON'T," I snarled. "Leave me alone."

Stand up for yourself. Check.

He snickered. "Be nice to me, Betty and I'll be nice to you."

"You jerk." I knocked on the bathroom door. "Taylor!" She needed to hurry up.

I don't know if she didn't hear me or what, because the door didn't open, and I felt Jackson's face close behind mine.

"Why don't you want me to kiss you, Betty, it's not a big deal?" I turned my head further away from his. He had me trapped between him and the door.

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