Chapter One

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Kagome bit her lip as she sat smoothed out the yellow dress. She didn't particularly like the dress but it was the uniform, and it was at least it wasn't as short as her uniform in middle school. She was just grateful to be able to be here, in the prestigious Ouran High School, the acceptance rate was so low that most didn't even dare to take the entrance exam unless they had the money to back it up.

While she was the daughter of a Shrine keeper they were barely above middle class so it was not her family's money that had gotten her in. No, it was her own hard work and determination. After her feudal fairy tail had come to a bittersweet end she had picked up the pieces and kept moving forward with the memories of those she once held so dear close to her heart. To do any less would dishonour their memory and all the scarfies they had made.

Of course she had a few days of mourning and moping about over a family and love lost afterwards she had picked herself up by her bootstraps and buckled down. She threw herself into her studie and picked up classes in order to further the teachings they had instilled into her.





Any and every class that she could take she was there, her body was a well oiled machine. Their mailbox was flooded with acceptance letters from various schools wanting to offer her scholarship after scholarship just to have her grace their various athletic teams. She had turned them all down, her gaze on the top of the preverbal scholar mountain.

Ouran High School.

While it was ruled by the rich and famous she would show them that not all power came from money. True power came from within and was improved upon with hard work and dedication. Sweat, blood, and tears.

All of which had brought her here.

Striaghenging to her full height of an impressive five foot zero she schooled her face into a calm one, a small welcoming smile on her lips, not at all betraying the nerves that churned in her stomach.

Give her a one on one match with someone that towered over her and out weighed her. She was eager to prove her worth, to get in there and prove her skills. Yet when faced with being the new girl she was as nervous as a small child on their first day of school. Though she mused being the new girl was much better than being the sick girl.

How she hated that dreadful nickname from middle school.

Shaking her head to clear her thoughts she began her trek to the main office, her head held high as those around her parted for her like she was covered in garbage. Their tongues wagging as she breezed past them. Let them wag their tongues, she doubted any of them could put their money where their mouths were. Well she mused they could probably afford to do that but that wasn't the point.

A small smirk at her inward thoughts she lifted her hand to know of the rich dark wood of the main office. A few seconds later a voice came through an intercom telling her to enter. She did so with a smile on her face as she approached the large desk with an elderly woman sitting behind it.

"My name is Kagome Higurashi, today is my first day." Her voice was light and friendly but not overly so. She could feel the disdain leak into the gaze of the eldery woman as she snorted under her breath and waved her hand towards a nearby plush chair.

"Take a seat, Souh-san will be with you when he's ready." Kagome was hard pressed to not reply with a few snarky words of her own but instead took a seat, her back straight as the plush chair tried to lull her into its warm embrace. She had no doubt the chair cost more than her family car and it was wasted on such posh and judgmental people. Her ears picking up the irritated words from the older woman, grumbling about more commoner filth ruining their school.

It only made the fire inside her burn brighter, she would show her and everyone here what true power was. All the while furthering herself and in turn her family name. Higurahsi might not hold much worth in this world of the rich and famous but it still held the honor and weight that was hard earned five hundred years ago.

After she had come back she dug into her family history and was overjoyed to learn that her family line was descended from none other than Rin and Kohaku. Not only was she representing the Higurashi line but the proud line of the Inu no Toga as well as the long line of demon slayers.

She would make these people, and the world, respect the Higurashi name if it was the last thing she did, she owed it to her family of the past to uphold the pride and strength that they had once embodied.

"Miss Higurashi." Kagome snapped her attention to a blond man, dressed in a white suite and smiling at her.

Kagome gave a nod and stood, "Hello." She gave a smile at the man.

"Welcome to Ouran High....I am the Headmaster, you can call me Souh." He spoke kindly to her, more than she thought he would. She knew the rich weren't fond of commoners...but in time she hoped to show them how wrong they were to think like that.

"I have your schedule, and the information you need to keep your scholarship here. You are here under a sports scholarship." Souh handed her the papers which Kagome gladly took.

"You will have to keep a certain grade point average and stay out of trouble...." The last part Kagome withheld rolling her eyes. She didn't look for trouble, it was people who came to her that started it.

"I understand." She did understand, she wasn't going to look for trouble, but from how people have acted so far she had a feeling trouble would find her quicker than she would like.

"If you have any questions feel free to come find me." He smiled widely at her as he motioned for someone to step forward that she hadn't seen before.

"This is Nekozawa....he will show you to your classroom." Kagome blinked seeing the figure come out of the shadows of the room. She hadn't sensed him right away, her eyes narrowed slightly at this but forced a smile and gave a bow to the newcomer.

"Thank you for your time." Blue eyes clashed with hers and Kagome felt the hairs on her arms stand on end. It seems today would be more fun than she first thought. 

Crossing The Lineजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें