Second Chances (SamxReader)

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Imagine: You had a very bad run-in with Soulless!Sam several months ago. Now that he has his soul back, Sam is determined to reassure you of his feelings.


Sam and Dean had just returned from a hunting trip that had lasted longer than they originally anticipated. First, they took out a vampire nest that they thought only had held one group of twelve vamps. Turns out, it was two factions of twelve that had merged together. Then, while they were on their way home, Bobby called them about a group of demons. They were causing problems in a town a few hours north of the bunker, possessions and collecting early on contracts.

While they were gone, you spent a lot of time thinking about Sam, whom you had just begun to date a few months before he fell into the Cage. Most of your thoughts were about the tender moments you shared. It didn't matter whether it was a movie night or staying up late talking, you were content just to spend time together.

Sam had been such a gentleman, holding doors open for you, or offering his hand to help you out of the car. Underneath all of his sweetness, though, lurked a passion he reserved just for you behind closed and locked doors. Nights with him could be gentle in one moment, then rough and demanding the next. Sam added an exciting element into your life you didn't know you were missing, and you loved him for it.

When Sam came back from the Cage, you couldn't wait to see him again. That feeling turned into disappointment to learn that he had been back for a year without trying to contact you. And that was only because Dean said he should let you know he was back. Once you had reunited, though, you pushed those feelings aside, grateful to move on in your life with Sam.

As the weeks went by, you noticed little things about Sam. How he didn't seem to want to cuddle as much with you, or how he would roll his eyes at your suggestion of a movie night. Your bedroom activities were just as passionate as before, if not more so. However, it felt a little one-sided, and usually in favor of Sam. You tried to talk with him about how you were feeling, but he brushed you aside, saying he had more important things to do.

After they returned from the vampire and demon hunting trip, you told the boys to bring you their laundry so they would have clean clothes. You pulled one of Sam's Fed shirts out of the bag, only to find lipstick on the collar, and it wasn't any shade you would wear. By this time, you'd had enough and went to confront Sam about it.

To your shock and surprise, he didn't deny sleeping with other women, one of them as recently as three days before coming home. He said that you were foolish to think that he should be tied down to only one woman. In fact, he told you that he preferred to have fun with a different woman every night "to keep things interesting". Then he asked when you were going to start fixing dinner, because he was hungry.

You slapped his face, then told him that it was over between the two of you and that you were leaving at the first opportunity. He smirked and said that it was fine with him, plenty of other women out there to take your place. You turned on your heel before he could see your tears and stomped off to your room, slamming and locking the door behind you. Once you were alone, the waterworks started. You knew there was something wrong, that this was not the Sam you once loved, but you couldn't come up with any kind of explanation.

Dean came in to talk to you a little while later, after he heard about the argument from Cas. He begged you to stay, to try and help him figure out what was causing Sam to act this way. You didn't want to leave your best friend behind, but you had to do what was right for you. As much as it hurt, you packed up your things that night and left the bunker.

You kept in touch with Dean over the next eight months, with phone calls and text messages. A couple of months after you left, he told you that the reason Sam was acting this way was because he had lost his soul. Three months after that, he told you that Sam was back to his old self, soul and memories intact. You were happy to finally know the cause of Sam's behavior. However, you told Dean that you had been hurt too deeply by what Sam had said to you on the night you left. You weren't going to come back.

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