Night of Ice: Assassin

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Most of the day, Sean trained on the deck of the ship. Practicing with spells that he hadn't used before, as well as refining some of the ones he used more frequently. He drilled over and over again, blasting lightning, ice, and fire all over the place. During this training, he drew his sword and sliced the head off of a wooden practice dummy.

It was surprisingly not very warm, the sun hiding behind the clouds. The air seemed grey and gloomy. Training had exhausted Sean for the day. He sat down on the deck, breathing heavily.

Throughout the day, Sean had felt a progressing pain in one of his feet, spreading up into his leg. He thought nothing of it as he trained.


Later in the evening, the crew and Sean's group sat down together on the deck of the ship. Wind was getting stronger, spraying them with salty ocean water. They ate food, fish from the day. Sean, still tired from his day of training, sat down next to Sarasi and Nyox. Each of the three of them had a plate of fish, along with some vegetables that had been stored.

After a few bites, Sarasi stood up to make an announcement.

"Well everybody, we have new guests on our ship, let us all introduce ourselves."

The heavily scarred elf stood up first. He rose his good hand up to his face and scratched his scruffy chin.

"I'm Koru, i was the captain of this ship before Sarasi here."

The elf's voice was deep and hoarse.

"As you can see, I've been in many battles.

After him, Dakus; the man Sean had fought, stood up.

"I'm Dakus, and I'm the first person to map the coast of Azaria."

Dakus was large and sturdy, and his voice fit his looks very well.

His eyes shone with a burning desire, as if he wanted revenge.

Next, a tall blind elf stood up.

"My name's Sa'k. I navigate us around."

"But how could you navigate if..." Nyox started

"I have strong connections to the ocean, I was trained by Saqu, the ocean lord's highest trained partner."

Finally, Sarasi stood up.

"I know i've already introduced myself, but I will do it again. My name's Sarasi, I'm the captain of this ship, as well as being an expert in alteration magic."

Swee stood up.

"Thank you for introducing yourselves." Swee thanked

"Now it's our turn."

Sarasi and the others nodded.

"I'm Swee, and I may look like the white version of Hay, I'm not like that foul creature."

"Hay?" Sarasi asked

"That demon that we fought not too long ago. I fought as a human foot soldier during the very first war on demons."

Sean gasped.

"Really?" Sean asked


Swee sat down. Nyox went next.

"Hello, I'm Nyox Drachion, son of Roshcard Drachion; former leader of the king's defense force."

Sean didn't know this about Nyox, and he was also surprised about what Swee said. The first war against demons had happened over 700 years ago.

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