Chapter 3: Games and Knowledge

Start from the beginning

"Yes, well I think the twins enjoy having another playmate." Albedo said as she continued to smile at Ainz. "Yes this good, but I fear the rest of Nazarick will ever accept Draven." Ainz said as Albedo's smile faded from her face. "Lord Ainz, I'm sure everyone will come to accept Lord Draven. He's a rather bright young man." Albedo said as she hoped to put Ainz's mind at ease. "I hope your are right Albedo." Ainz said before he noticed Demiurge approaching Draven and the twins as they were still playing. "What are you up to Demiurge?" Ainz thought as he turned his attention back to the mirror to watch this unfold.

               Demiurge spotted Lord Draven playing with Aura and Mare as he cleared his throat to get their attention. "Sorry to interrupt Lord Draven, but I am currently gathering information for our next mission. I was wondering if I could ask for your assistance?" Demiurge asked as he looked into Draven's golden eyes. Aura quickly let go of Draven as the human boy dusted himself off. "Of course Demiurge, how may I be of assistance?" Draven asked the arch devil with a curious look in his eye. "Lord Ainz mentioned that your unique magic is good for acquiring information, would you allow me to utilize it?" Demiurge as he bowed to Draven out of respect for his status.

            "Of course Demiurge, allow me to open the gate." Draven said as Demiurge and the twins looked at him in confusion. Draven raises his staff as he prepares to summon the gate. "Open the Gate to Infinite Wisdom!" Draven shouted as his staff shined with magic as the gateway to the Infinite Library appeared in front of them. "Shall we go?" Draven said to the dumbfounded inhabitants of Nazarick as he entered the gateway. The trio followed after Draven as they appeared in the Infinite Library, where Draven was waiting for them to arrive.

              "Welcome to the Infinite Library. Now Demiurge, what information do you require?" Draven asked the arch devil as he snapped out of his surprised trance. "We are planning to take the Village of Kuvvet Lord Draven." Demiurge said as Draven nodded before walking to the railway at the end of the walkway. "Give me all of the Knowledge on the Village of Kuvvet!" Draven shouted as three books flew from one of the nearby floating bookshelf. The three books landed in a neat stack in Draven's hand before walking up to Demiurge.

"Here you go Demiurge, a book on Kuvvet's layout and defenses, a book on it's inhabitants, and a book on the village's history." Draven said as Demiurge quickly opened the first only to find a multitude of maps showing where every house and defense structures in the village. The book also contained details on the structural integrity of each of the buildings. "T-This is amazing! Thank you Lord Draven, I will begin reviewing this information immediately." Demiurge said as he looked for a table to begin his studying of Kuvvet.

"You can take the books with you Demiurge, once your finished with them, tell them to return to the shelf. They'll find their way back." Draven explained as Demiurge looked at him in surprise. "Thank you Lord Draven." Demiurge said before he took his leave from the Library. "I'm not going to ask him for you!" Draven turned to look at Aura, who was scolding her brother. "Something wrong Aura?" Draven asked as he looked at the twins. Aura nudged Mare towards Draven, who looked at Draven nervously as he tried to look him in the eye.

               "L-Lord D-Draven, does the Library have books on plants? I've been wanting to start a garden." Mare said nervously as she immediately broke eye contact with Draven. Draven smiled before requesting another two books. "Here you are Mare, these are the first two volumes on magical plants. I hope they can be of assistance to you." Draven said as he gave the books to Mare. With that the three children left the Infinite Library and returned to Nazarick. To their surprise, a short maid with bug antenna on her head was waiting outside the gateway for them.

 To their surprise, a short maid with bug antenna on her head was waiting outside the gateway for them

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"Lord Draven, Lord Ainz has requested your presence in the throne room." The maid said as she bowed to Draven. "Thank you Entoma. Please excuse me Aura and Mare." Draven said as followed Entoma out of the 6th floor. "Thank you for coming to get me Entoma." Draven said as he looked over at the short maid. "There is no need to thank me Lord Draven, I'm just preforming my duties." Entoma said as she continued to lead Draven to the throne room. "I'm sorry you and your sisters have to serve me." Draven blurted out as Entoma stopped dead in her tracks before turning to look at Draven in both confusion and surprise.

"Why are you apologizing Lord Draven? We live to serve, there is no need to apologize for that." Entoma said as she tried to put Draven's mind at ease. "All of you despise humans, my very presence must disgust all of you. I promise not to be a bother." Draven said as he continued walking before Entoma could speak again. "Lord Draven, you always seemed more concerned with the wants and needs of Nazarick then your own." Entoma thought you herself as she walked next to the human child. Entoma kept a close eye on Draven as they walked.

Entoma didn't hate Draven, she was more interested in him. He was adopted by their master and could lord that status over them, yet he chooses to seclude himself in order to make their lives easier. Entoma felt like this could be the first case where she may actually end up liking a human. "We have arrived Lord Draven." Entoma said as she bowed before gesturing for Draven to enter the throne room. "Draven, thank you for coming on such short notice." Ainz said as he greeted his son. "It was no trouble father." Draven said as he stood at the door of the steps to the throne itself.

             "You seem to be getting along with Aura and Mare rather well." Ainz said as he knew about his son's adventures. "Yes they seemed rather eager to have me play with them." Draven said as a small smile spread across his face. Ainz internally sighed in relief as his son seemed to be happy in his new home. "Demiurge came to me with books from your Library, he seemed rather impressed with your contributions Draven." Ainz said as Draven let out a small laugh at his words. "Please tell Demiurge, he is welcome to use the Infinite Library anytime." Draven said as he smiled at his father.

             "Now then, I will be handing over your magic training to Narberal Gamma while Demiurge and I plan our attack on Kuvvet." Ainz said as Draven enterally panicked as he knew the person who hated him the most in the Great Tomb was the doppelgänger maid. "Understood father, thank you for letting me know." Draven said as he turned to leave. "Draven, could you please come here?" Ainz said as he motioned for Draven to approach his throne. Draven walked to Ainz as the skeleton rested a hand on his head. "Don't worry Draven, everyone will come to accept you." Ainz said as he hoped to put his son's mind at ease.

             Draven made his way to his bedroom after dinner as he felt himself feeling rather tired. Draven collapsed onto his bed as he tried to fall asleep. "Lord Draven?" Draven looked towards the doorway only to find Albedo standing there. "Yes Albedo? What can I do for you?" Draven asked the succubus as she approached his bedside. "I just wanted to say goodnight to you." Albedo said as she could see Draven slowly drifting off to sleep. Albedo smiled before gently planting a kiss on Draven's forehead. "Goodnight Lord Draven." Albedo whispered before exiting his bedroom and gently closing the door.

So Draven has become friends with Aura and Mare! He also helped Demiurge in his planning for the attack on Kuvvet. Although he know has to deal with Narberal taking over his magic training! Will Draven be able to win over the Floor Guardians? Will he survive his training with Narberal? Find out in the next chapter of Overlord: Child of the Library!

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