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I want to be a Magic Knights Captain one day

but ended up, being a mother first

though my father forced me into motherhood

this tells me that I shouldn't be a savior

I guess I'm not a savior

when I found out I was pregnant

my friend would be shocked

said congrats or that's incredible

after giving birth I wanted to forget

even have my friend forget too

but when I gave up my child

like any mother would

on a terrible day

everything erased


I have turned my dream into my child

I trained it

into something no one knew it could be

love them both through everything

reproach them as they come close

their achiever and their mother

a special thing with complications

every day,

I held them close to my heart

and enjoyed the love they shared

aren't I a good person, sweetie?

and all this, I am me.

Poetry of my life part 2Where stories live. Discover now