Bulma snorted as she unpacked several capsules and set them down on the table. "Yamcha's been very gentle with Goku all day! Give him some credit, will you?"

Vegeta bristled. "All day? What's that supposed to mean?! I thought you were supposed to be shopping, not groping Kakarotto all day!"

The blue haired woman scoffed. "Who said anything about groping? Seriously, you need to get your mind out of the gutter."

Bulma turned back to Goku and sighed when she saw he'd fallen asleep again. The Saiyajin had curled up on the couch and had buried his face in the cushions. "Aw, I was hoping he'd stay awake long enough to get up to his room, but it looks like he'll have to sleep here since you scared Yamcha off."

"My arms aren't broken, woman! I'll take him back to his room if it's that important." Vegeta snapped. The very idea of that human touching Kakarotto again made his skin crawl. He moved forward before Bulma had a chance to respond and he carefully picked the sleeping Saiyajin up, cradling the younger man bridal style in his arms. He just barely repressed a shiver when Goku's head turned toward him and his warm breath hit his chest. What was that all about?

Bulma seemed at a loss for words. She'd never seen Vegeta willingly touch Goku outside of a spar, and she'd certainly never seen him react so viciously when someone else touched the younger Saiyajin. Was he... jealous? Well, this was interesting.

The blue haired woman took a moment to scoop up the capsules containing some of Goku's new belongings before she ran to catch up with the prince. He was already at the top of the stairs.


Vegeta was just setting Goku down on the bed when Bulma arrived. The younger Saiyajin sighed in his sleep as he rolled away from the prince and onto his side.

The older man watched him for a moment before a loud 'poofing' noise caught his attention. He turned back to Bulma just as the smoke from the capsule she'd opened cleared. A large pile of colorful pillows had appeared on the floor. He raised an eyebrow in question when the woman picked an armful of them up and moved to the side of the bed.

"Goku fell in love with these things." she explained as she dropped her armful on the mattress and reached down to remove the sleeping Saiyajin's shoes.

Vegeta eyed the fluffy pillows, and while Bulma was distracted with trying to make Kakarotto more comfortable, he reached out and ran his finger over one of them. He sucked in a lungful of air when the ultra soft material made contact with his skin, and his tail fluffed behind him. The prince had never felt anything so... so... Kami! There wasn't a word for this!

A soft chuckle brought Vegeta back to reality, and his eyes snapped over to Bulma's amused face. "I don't think he'd mind if you took a few for yourself."

The older man huffed and folded his arms over his chest as he turned his head away.

"Oh, come on. The last time I saw your tail fluff like that was the moment Bura was conceived."


Vegeta growled when Bulma tried to muffle her laughter and he quickly stormed out of the room, making a point of kicking a few pillows out of his way as he went.

The blue haired woman grinned as she arranged the remaining pillows around Goku. "He'll be back."


The next morning Vegeta woke up bright and early, as was his usual routine. Without opening his eyes he rolled over onto his side, and he paused when his cheek brushed up against something very soft. The prince's heavy lids slowly opened and he focused on a bright orange object beside him. It took him a moment to figure out what he was looking at, but based on how it felt, he quickly came to realize that it was one of the pillows Kakarotto had bought.

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