Chapter 5

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In Your Dreams: Chapter 5

Vegeta was bored.

He'd spent the majority of the day training as he usually did, but after he grew tired of that he'd gotten cleaned up, eaten, and then spent the rest of his night trying to find something to occupy his time.

The house was practically empty. Bulma's parents were around, but he wasn't desperate enough to seek them out for company. Both Trunks and Bura were out doing whatever it was they did with their nights and Bulma and Kakarotto still hadn't returned from the mall.

The prince had spent the last hour flipping through thousands of channels on TV, but as usual, there was absolutely nothing on. At one point he'd even gone down to the holding cells, thinking to entertain himself by torturing Dr. Villa and his two lap dogs, but much to his displeasure the men had been released. He'd wondered why the woman had let them go so soon. He hadn't even gotten to threaten them!

Vegeta was just about to resort to Trunks' old video games when he heard a car door shut. The Saiyajin tried not to rush to the door like an eager pet happy that his owners had returned, but he found himself throwing open the front door within seconds anyway.

He was just about to begin shouting at the woman for no reason in particular when something stopped him. Vegeta's eyes narrowed when he saw Yamcha following Bulma up the walkway; but what really made his hackles rise was the fact the scarred man was carrying Kakarotto on his back. The younger Saiyajin seemed to be asleep, but his fingers were still gripping Yamcha's shirt and his tail was looped around the older man's waist.

A surge of jealousy washed over Vegeta before he could stop it, and he found himself growling lowly in his throat as his hands fisted at his sides. The human must have picked up the threatening sound because a moment later his eyes rose to meet his own, and much to Vegeta's satisfaction, he could see Yamcha swallow hard.

Bulma didn't seem to notice the tension in the air as she brushed past the prince. "Hey! Did you miss us?"

Vegeta finally tore his eyes away from the other two men and turned to follow the woman inside. "You were gone? No wonder it was so peaceful today."

"Ha, ha. I know you were bored." She grinned and walked into the living room, motioning for Yamcha to set Goku down on the couch.

The ex-fighter carefully made his way past Vegeta, who was glaring at him again, and sat on the edge of the couch. He let go of Goku's legs and reached up to gently untangle the younger man's fingers from his shirt; then he moved to do the same with his tail.

The prince's loud snarl stopped him though. "Don't touch his tail!"

Both Bulma and Yamcha froze and stared at the Saiyajin with wide eyes.

Vegeta's voice was loud enough to wake Goku however, and his eyes slowly opened. The younger man took a moment to orient himself before he unwrapped his tail from Yamcha's waist, allowing the larger man to get up from the couch. He yawned and settled back into the cushions.

"Thanks, Yamcha."

The human chuckled weakly as he put some distance between himself and a still rumbling Vegeta. "Yeah, no problem... Um, I think it's time for me to go though."

"Wait! What about your pillows?!" Bulma called as she held up the capsule that contained his purchases. The only answer she received was the sound of the front door slamming shut. She frowned. "Well, I guess I'll give them to him tomorrow.... Geez, Vegeta. You didn't have to snap at him."

The prince snorted and folded his arms over his chest. "That baka probably would have been too rough. He has no idea how sensitive a Saiyajin tail can be."

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