Ch 31: Groin Sword

Start from the beginning

I nodded, "pencil in a few initiation tattoos for next week?"

"Can do. Any idea when Calvin and Elijah will come in for their finishing?"

"Not yet." I replied, "that ones up to my father."

Jin nodded, "will the red head need a tattoo?"

"Hmm?" I asked still scanning the list.

"For the family."

Slowly I looked up at him, pointing to the door, "the red head in the waiting room?"

"The tall weirdly hot hippie in the crochet top and bell bottoms. Yes that red head."

I leveled him with a warning look, "does she look like part of the family?"

"No." He smiled a bit, "but she does look like a gorgeous woman. Your family has a history of sweeping woman off their feet without thinking it over."

I scowled, "she is not getting a family tattoo. She is unaware of the family. She is a friend from school."

"You don't have friends." He replied, sliding on his gloves, "shirt off. We still doing what we discussed on the phone?"

I pulled off my shirt, "yeah."

"Wanna see the design."

"When it's outlined on my skin."

He nodded, "so hows her pussy?"

"None of your business." I growled back.

He chuckled a bit, "fine. And as always, I won't say a word."

I nodded as Jin called for the guy who gave lark a cookie and told him to bring her in.

The red head popped her head in just as I popped the button of my pants.

"Oh? Is it really a butt tattoo?" She teased.

Jin chuckled a bit.

"Matchstick. No."

The girl bit her lip, eyes traveling my form as I unzipped my jeans, tugging them down a little. "So uhm..." she started with a blush, "how many tattoos do you have?"

I lay back into the chair turned table, gesturing her to come closer, "come and count them if you want."

She did, tracing some of the ink as Jin transferred the design to my skin. "They all mean something?" She asked, tracing the different tattoos that made up my sleeve.

"Yeah." I replied.

"Hmmm" she stared at my arm, pointing at one at random, "whats that one mean?"

She was pointing to the snake the coiled up the majority of my arm, my other tattoos scattered between it.

"The snake?"

"Yeah." She nodded, "its the biggest one. Goes all the way up so I was curious."

"People always told me I have a snake tongue." I replied.

Her face flamed red.

I let her think about the dirty side of what I said for a second, "I can talk my way out of almost anything."

And trick pretty much anyone.

But she didn't need to know that.

"Alright Nix. What do we think?"

Lark and I looked down to my adonis belt, more accurately the sword that would be tattooed right about the grove of muscle.

She bit her lip again, blushing harder, "thats a sword."

"It is."

"Pointing to your dick." She said.


"Can I ask the meaning of the groin sword?" She mumbled, "and why your so fucking well sculpted."

I chuckled, "the groin sword means a lot of things."

"Every time we say groin sword I think of you know..."

"Dick?" I asked blandly as Jim coughed to disguise a laugh.

"Yup." She said, popping the P.

"Lady killer." I said bluntly.

She burst out into giggles.

While it could mean that, "its also about jumping to action without thinking."

"And so it had to be by your dick?" She asked, obvious still amused.

"Thats what most men use instead of their brain." I replied, "alright Jin we're good."

The buzz of the tattoo gun filled the air, larkspur propping her chin in her palm, "plus a groin sword looks cool."

"That it does," I replied.

"Look through some of the art books if you want Larkspur, I might have your namesake somewhere in my plant life book." Jin said as he dragged the needle over my skin, "we could also design you something, once I do a custom one I never sell it to another customer."

"Oh...." she said, chewing her lip, "that sounds awesome and all Jin, like totally groovy but I cant exactly spring the money right now."

He glanced up at me, obviously not sure.

Jin's never seem me with a woman other than Maria and Maria was certainly never welcome.

He also probably wasn't expecting her to be poor.

"Tell you what Lark." I sighed, "how about this, since we are already here, have Jin design your tattoo and I can pay for it today or have him keep it if your not ready yet. You can always just pay me back later.

Jin stopped tattooing for a moment.

Lark wouldn't have noticed the hesitation, but I sure as hell did.

He knew she has no clue about the family and I just proposed a deal to her.

No matter how small, a deal with me was an extremely dangerous game to play.

"Alright." Lark said with a smile, "lets finish your groin sword and doodle me some flowers. The we can figure out if its today or another time. I totally owe you one."

I could practically feel Jins frown.

"That you do." I smirked a bit, "now start googling flowers."

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