Ch 13: Get Your Ass Over Here Raggedy Anne

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A/N: what. The. Fuck. Did I just write??

Larkspur POV:

There was a knock on my dorms door at 7:55pm.

Andre paused with half a slice of pizza in his mouth brows furrowed in confusion. Kevin shrugged, ignoring it in favor of his notes, and Josh sighed heavily, "expecting someone Lark?"

I have learned a lot about Josh in my two weeks here and he's really started to warm to me since he realized I was serious about the club. He's really passionate about what he does here and I love that about him. "No," I started before going pale, "oh shit yes. I completely forgot! I made plans to study with my global economics class..."

Andre smiled warmly at me, "thats okay Lark. Its not an official meeting anyways and we have gotten a few good ideas."

I chewed my lip about to stand when the knocking came louder and my roommate threw open her door with a scowl, stomping over to the front door, "can't you open and damn door Larkspur. Ugh, what are you do- ohmygosh" she brushed back her hair, tone changing instantly, "what brings you here?"

She didnt get a response, but Nix slid past her, glaring my direction. "I said 8."

"Its 7:56." I replied.

The amount of distain in his eyes was tangible as he scanned over the pizza boxes and news articles surrounding me and the earth club, "your dorms a mess."

I frowned a bit, "not usually but Andre ordered Pizza and we are doing important work. Right guys?"

I looked over at my friends to find them all conveniently looking somewhere else, Josh and Kevin gathering their things, "we have enough for today Larkspur." The former stated, "see you around."

The two hightailed it out of the room, leaving Andre and I on the couch, Nix glaring down at us and my roommate Madeline hovering behind him, dreamy look on her face. Andre glanced at me, "I can stay and help you study too if you want Lark, I took that class last semester."

Just as I was about to thank him and accept his offer, Nix's growling voice cut in, "They changed the Curriculum this semester. Larkspur. Don't waste my time."

"Oh." I smiler apologetically at Andre, "Maybe next time? Thank you though. Ill text you guys later."

He hesitated a moment before nodded and picking up his things, giving Nix a wide berth of space as he left.

I patted the place he had been, "so what should we..."

He ignored me, walking to my closed bedroom door and pulling it open as he shot an annoyed look at Madeline, "I don't like other people around when I'm focusing."

I rose from the couch with a shrug, "okay I guess."

He walked inside as I approached, closing the door after me before moving to the windowsill.

Nix's gaze traveled the space, looking utterly unimpressed, "its... you."

I giggled a bit, "is that a compliment?"

"I don't really know. How is the current political climate in Cuba effecting the socioeconomic level of its citizens?"

I blinked, "we're starting?"

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