Ch 12: Typical Rich Families

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Larkspur POV

I fell into a strange routine.

Wake up, run into Eli outside the dorms, join him Cal and Nix for breakfast, trail after Nix on Mondays and Wednesdays to our joined class. Tuesday and Thursdays I trudged the opposite direction of the three.

It was comforting to have established a routine in two weeks.

But I hadn't made any friends outside Earth Club and the worlds grumpiest three musketeers.

And my roommate...

She has so many rules and little inclination to see me unless absolutely necessary.

I mulled on this at Sunday brunch.

This place has brunch.

Eli says they all meet Nix at 11am on Sunday for brunch.

A lot seems to be because of Nix's will.

My eyes flickered to the dark haired man in question.

Nix scowls a lot of the time and seems to dislike nearly everything.

But I have noticed he likes wine. Expensive sounding wine and he seems to actually appreciate it and the complexity of it like those rich people on TV. hes the same with his coffee, and also eats complicated food.

I glanced down at my own blueberry waffles before looking at his plate.

He has ordered a Quiche Lorraine which to me looked more like a tart and was served with fruit and some fancy looking salad I couldn't even begin to understand.

But it had cucumbers.

Living off cup noodles and the vegetables in a can a decent chunk of my life I found it both interesting and surprising.

Honestly. I stuck to the basics on the menu because I didn't want to waste something new if I didn't like it.

"Is there something you want to ask?" Nix rumble over his Expresso Romano -something Eli claimed was coffee lemonade.

I shook my head, sipping at my actual lemonade. "No."

His brow arched.

My cheeks heated in embarrassment. The man already thought I was an idiot and I am fully aware I'm only really here because Eli either insists or won't listen to no. "I'm just fascinated by your food. You don't get that kind of stuff where I'm from."

"Where are you from anyways?" Eli asked as Nix pushed the plate toward me.

I blinked at the still scowling man as he pointed to the plate with his fork, "Try it."

I took my own utensil and did as I was told, grinning when the flavors all burst over my tongue, "its totally yummy!"

"Totally." He muttered with an irritated look, taking back his plate.

I glanced at Eli who sill had a curious look on his face, "Monroe Louisiana. Its a nice city if you live in the right parts."

"You didn't." Nix supplied.

I nodded, physically feeling the weight of his stare."

"You don't have an southern accent." Eli noted.

I frowned, "not everyone has an accent. I wasn't born in Louisiana. I have lived there since I was six. My mom found it artistically inspiring so we moved."

"And your dad."

Now I was growing uncomfortable under the weight off all their stared, "absentee but he's down there too. What about you guys?" I asked, trying to shift their attention off me.

It worked because they all immediately looked away.

Well. Eli and Cal did.

Nix continued, as if trying to decipher something, "typical rich families. Nothing all that interesting. Cal's father is in private security, Eli's is in engineering, and mine is in.." he paused for a moment as if tasting the words on his young, "important and export."

"Oh. Okay cool!" I figured it was good enough seeing as they were not all staring at me again, "are you ready for our test tomorrow Nix?"

He nodded once.

I hesitated, "really? Im having a bit of trouble with some of the conversions and-"

"Your dorm 8pm." He rumbled.

I was relived, "you'll study with me?"

"Why eleven would I ever want to be in your dorm room?" He asked, ignoring the surprised looks of his friends.

"Can we make it 8:30 though? Earth club is coming over to-"

"They can leave early." He replied, "The test is more important."

I wanted to argue that nothing was more important than our planet, but all we were doing tonight was bouncing around ideas for the charity gala and discussing which part of the rainforest would be our main focus. "Okay... Thank you," I complied.

He nodded, returning to his coffee.

"Ill come too." Eli grinned down at me, "watch you be all smart."

"No." Nix tisked, "you wont. You're not in that class and are nothing but a distraction. You will make her stupid."

"Will not!"

Nix's responding stare could freeze the devil in his tracks.

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