Part 3 : 1

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Part 3 : 1...

Content Warning:
Alcohol use

"Ryan?" Brendon's voice is shocked and his smile wide as he strides from the back of the line to where the curly headed man is. "Oh, my god! Ryan!"

Ryan can hardly wipe the disbelieving look off his face as he laughs in shock. Brendon's arms go around Ryan's neck and they pull each other into a crushing hug, laughing to themselves. They stay holding onto each other for a few moments until a not-so-subtle cough comes from the person behind them. They break apart, apologizing to the people behind them before looking at each other. Ryan speaks first. "You still get the same thing?"

Brendon nods and Ryan turns to the barista. "Can I also get a venti white mocha with caramel sauce and cinnamon? Oh, and no whip cream, please?"

The barista smiles and nods, turning back to make the drinks as the two men move up the line. "You didn't have to do that," Brendon says softly.

Ryan shakes his head. "This is the first time I've seen you in five years," he says evenly, though he's smiling. "I owe you more than just coffee."

Brendon smiles. "Well, I appreciate it."

Ryan pays for the coffee and the two men take a seat at a corner booth as they wait for their drinks to be served. "So, how've you been? Spencer tells me you've opened another salon."

Brendon beams, the pride shining off of him like light on water. "I did," he answers with a wide smile. "Business started to pick up to the point where even I couldn't keep up with the appointments. I've got a whole nother shop with a whole list of new stylists, and honestly, it feels awesome."

Ryan beams along with him. "That's so great, Bren," he says sincerely. "I'm so happy for you. That's incredible, really."

Brendon nods, pink tinting his cheeks slightly as he laughs to himself. "So, what about you? What's going on with you?"

Ryan tapped the table lightly as he brushed his curls from his face. "I've still been working nonstop," he said with a laugh. "I've been back for about two weeks now, but I had to make sure everything was in order for my promotion before I actually had time to take a breather. I'm now officially CEO of the Chicago branch of Encompass, though, so I guess all those sleepless nights and early mornings finally paid off."

Brendon's smile was so wide, he had no idea how his face didn't hurt. "Ryan," he said, shaking his head in astonishment, "I'm so proud of you. You've worked for this since you were, what? 18? You deserve this so much."

Ryan ducked to hide the flare in his cheeks. "Thank you, Brendon," he says sincerely. "That means a lot."

The two look at each other in silence with soft, comfortable smiles for what seems like minutes on minutes before the barista calls Ryan's name and he strolls up to the front to grab the drinks. Brendon watches Ryan walk and he smiles in on himself, taking the time to check his breath and pull out his cellphone to check his reflection on the blackened screen.

Ryan comes back and sets Brendon's drink in front of him before taking his seat and sipping his own. They talk for a few minutes about what they've been up to in the last five years, some things they already knew about, some they didn't, but it was a nice conversation nonetheless.

After one particularly hilarious story about how Ryan broke the copy machine in the break room that resulted in a flurry of papers and Ryan covering himself with ink, the two men were laughing and carrying on like he'd never left; like the last five years didn't happen. They were 25 again, love in their hearts and nostalgia in their souls. Ryan smiled once the laughter died down to soft sighs and reached over to put a hand on Brendon's. "You look really good, Bren," he said softly. "Thirty is definitely a good look on you."

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