Beautiful Tragedy

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Your games are deadly

I am drowning in your affection

Clinging to the hope that it was ever me you needed,

Ever me that you wanted

I blame myself,

Wondering what I did wrong,

What I said to deserve this back and forth

Your games give me whiplash

But I am so blissfully drunk on your smile

and I don't think I will mind the hangover.

My heart beats for you,

And unfortunately your heart beats for her,

Not me


You will act as if I am the only one for you

I find it gets harder to breathe as each hour passes whilst you play with my heart

I want to tell you to be with her, 

To leave me alone,

However I am a selfish woman who craves affection,

Even if it leaves quickly and leaves me shattered to pieces

Even when you are not here,

Your ghost haunts me 

I find that extremely profound,

Due to my nature

I trust no one,

Not even myself

I have been left broken many times,

You would think I would be wiser or at least tread with more care

But I realized long ago that I am a

stupid, naive, little girl

Who falls in love too fast

What a tragedy.

                                                                  But that's alright.

                                                                                                                                      Tragedy is beautiful too.

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